[libvirt-users] Some missunderstanding in the wiki page
by Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda
I'm not in the list and I just would like to comment it to the comunity. So,
if someone want to contact me, make CC to me in the reply.
The wiki page [1] talk about networking, and show two typical configurations:
"virtual network" and "shared physical device".
The shared physical device has an error or something that could make confused,
I think. What I want to say? In my case, I have a box with several nics, and
I want to speciffy that ethX should be used exclusively but virtual domain X.
The documentation is clear in this: The NAT based connectivity is useful for
quick & easy deployments, or on machines with dynamic/sporadic networking
connectivity. More advanced users will want to use full bridging, where the
guest is connected directly to the LAN.
The configuration (I have follow only the debian/ubuntu steps) shows that br0
has assigned an IP. I did the mistake to try to assign the same IP in the
guest network configuration, I understand that, and obviously it doesn't work
(duplicate IPs). So, to me, it would me more clear if the br0 interface has
no IP. In my case, I have two nics: eth0 the interface for the host and eth1
for the guest. The eth1 part in my network/interfaces is:
auto eth1
iface eth1 inet manual
auto br0
iface br0 inet manual
bridge_ports eth1
bridge_stp on
bridge_maxwait 0
bridge_fd 0
and then in the guest you configure the IP as you want. In the host, eth1 (or
whatever interface you bridge) has no IP, so it's not used, and the guest
uses completely.
What do you think?
[1] http://wiki.libvirt.org/page/Networking
14 years, 9 months
[libvirt-users] SASL GSSAPI error "Key table entry not found"
by Adam Gray
My server and client are running Ubuntu Lucid, libvirt-bin
0.7.5-5ubuntu27, qemu-kvm-0.12.3+noroms-0ubuntu9 and I'm using
virt-viewer-0.0.3-6ubuntu7.xul19 or virt-manager-0.8.2-2ubuntu8 to
connect. I configured SASL2 to use GSSAPI for libvirt following the
instructions in the libvirt docs, created a keytab with
libvirt/my.fully.qualified.domain(a)MY-REALM.COM (has a dash fwiw) and
pointed SASL2 and libvirt at /etc/krb5.keytab (changing the location
of that doesn't seem to work for my version, but that's no biggie).
So I sit on my client and run this:
virsh -c qemu+tcp://my.fully.qualified.domain/system
And I get this message on the client:
error: authentication failed
error: failed to connect to the hypervisor
And this on the server logs:
16:37:35.278: error : remoteDispatchAuthSaslStart:3135 : sasl start
failed -1 (SASL(-1): generic failure: GSSAPI Error: Unspecified GSS
failure. Minor code may provide more information (Key table entry not
For fun, I ran kdestroy and tried again and got this:
error: Failed to start SASL negotiation: -1 (SASL(-1): generic
failure: GSSAPI Error: Unspecified GSS failure. Minor code may
provide more information (Credentials cache file '/tmp/krb5cc_1000'
not found))
error: failed to connect to the hypervisor
So at least the client seems to be presenting my ticket properly, but
the server is either looking for the wrong keytab entry or I can't
read very well.
14 years, 9 months
[libvirt-users] how to match the ID of a LUN in a storage pool with the GUID on the target server
by Tom Georgoulias
I've configured a libvirt storage pool using an iscsi target from a Sun
7310 storage appliance and am using the LUNs in this target as volumes
for my KVM guests. The setup is very similar to what Daniel covered in
a recent blog posting:
It works great, but I can't figure out how to match the volume names &
path IQNs within the storage pool to the GUIDs on the target.
For example, here's what I see when I use the vol-info command:
# virsh vol-list kvm-target
Name Path
The IQN matches the targets IQN, but when I browse the LUNs from the
storage system I do not see a way to determine which of them is *-lun-0
and which is *-lun-1, I only see a GUID and an alias name that I created.
Is there any way to get that info (or something else that will do the
job) from a virsh command?
Thanks in advance for any help.
14 years, 9 months
[libvirt-users] Better error codes when stopping a VM that is already stopped
by Guido Winkelmann
Sometimes when stopping a virtual domain using virDomainDestroy(), I come
across a domain that is already stopped. (For example when someone already
stopped the domain manually using virsh or because the guest OS issued a
shutdown.) This is a special case that I absolutely need to catch and handle.
Unfortunately, when this happens, and I call virGetLastError() afterwards, I
always just get the error code VIR_ERR_OPERATION_INVALID, which doesn't look
very precise to me...
Two questions about this:
Is the domain not running at that moment the only possible condition that can
trigger this particular error code when calling virDomainDestroy()?
Can't we have a more obvious/precise error code in that case, like
VIR_ERR_DOMAIN_NOT_RUNNING or something like that?
Guido Winkelmann
14 years, 9 months
[libvirt-users] FYI: a short guide to libvirt & network filtering iptables/ebtables use
by Daniel P. Berrange
I just wrote this to assist some Red Hat folks understanding
what libvirt does with iptables, and thought it is useful info
for the whole libvirt community. When I have time I'll adjust
this content so that it can fit into the website in relevant
Firewall / network filtering in libvirt
There are three pieces of libvirt functionality which do network
filtering of some type. At a high level they are:
- The virtual network driver.
This provides a isolated bridge device (ie no physical NICs
enslaved). Guest TAP devices are attached to this bridge.
Guests can talk to each other & the host, and optionally the
wider world.
- The QEMU driver MAC filtering
This provides a generic filtering of MAC addresses to prevent
the guest spoofing its MAC address. This is mostly obsoleted by
the next item, so won't be discussed further.
- The network filter driver
This provides fully configurable, arbitrary network filtering
of traffic on guest NICs. Generic rulesets are defined at the
host level to control traffic in some manner. Rules sets are
then associated with individual NICs of a guest. While not as
expressive as directly using iptables/ebtables, this can still
do nearly everything you would want to on a guest NIC filter.
The virtual network driver
The typical configuration for guests is to use bridging of the
physical NIC on the host to connect the guest directly to the LAN.
In RHEL6 there is also the possibility of using macvtap/sr-iov
and VEPA connectivity. None of this stuff plays nicely with wireless
NICs, since they will typically silently drop any traffic with a
MAC address that doesn't match that of the physical NIC.
Thus the virtual network driver in libvirt was invented. This takes
the form of an isolated bridge device (ie one with no physical NICs
enslaved). The TAP devices associated with the guest NICs are attached
to the bridge device. This immediately allows guests on a single host
to talk to each other and to the host OS (modulo host IPtables rules).
libvirt then uses iptables to control what further connectivity is
available. There are three configurations possible for a virtual
network at time of writing
- isolated: all off-node traffic is completely blocked
- nat: outbound traffic to the LAN is allowed, but MASQUERADED
- forward: outbound traffic to the LAN is allowed
The latter 'forward' case requires the virtual network be on a
separate sub-net from the main LAN, and that the LAN admin has
configured routing for this subnet. In the future we intend to
add support for IP subnetting and/or proxy-arp. This allows for
the virtual network to use the same subnet as the main LAN &
should avoid need for the LAN admin to configure special routing.
Libvirt will optionally also provide DHCP services to the virtual
network using DNSMASQ. In all cases, we need to allow DNS/DHCP
queries to the host OS. Since we can't predict whether the host
firewall setup is already allowing this, we insert 4 rules into
the head of the INPUT chain
target prot opt in out source destination
ACCEPT udp -- virbr0 * udp dpt:53
ACCEPT tcp -- virbr0 * tcp dpt:53
ACCEPT udp -- virbr0 * udp dpt:67
ACCEPT tcp -- virbr0 * tcp dpt:67
Note we have restricted our rules to just the bridge associated
with the virutal network, to avoid opening undesirable holes in
the host firewall wrt the LAN/WAN.
The next rules depend on the type of connectivity allowed, and go
in the main FORWARD chain:
Allow traffic between guests. Deny inbound. Deny outbound.
target prot opt in out source destination
ACCEPT all -- virbr1 virbr1
REJECT all -- * virbr1 reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
REJECT all -- virbr1 * reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
Allow inbound related to an established connection. Allow
outbound, but only from our expected subnet. Allow traffic
between guests. Deny all other inbound. Deny all other outbound.
target prot opt in out source destination
ACCEPT all -- * virbr0 state RELATED,ESTABLISHED
ACCEPT all -- virbr0 *
ACCEPT all -- virbr0 virbr0
REJECT all -- * virbr0 reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
REJECT all -- virbr0 * reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
Allow inbound, but only to our expected subnet. Allow
outbound, but only from our expected subnet. Allow traffic
between guests. Deny all other inbound. Deny all other outbound.
target prot opt in out source destination
ACCEPT all -- * virbr2
ACCEPT all -- virbr2 *
ACCEPT all -- virbr2 virbr2
REJECT all -- * virbr2 reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
REJECT all -- virbr2 * reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
Finally, with type=nat, there is also an entry in the POSTROUTING
chain to apply masquerading
target prot opt in out source destination
MASQUERADE all -- * * !
The network filter driver
This driver provides a fully configurable network filtering capability
that leverages ebtables, iptables and ip6tables. This was written by
the libvirt guys at IBM and although its XML schema is defined by libvirt,
the conceptual model is closely aligned with the DMTF CIM schema for
network filtering
The filters are managed in libvirt as a top level, standalone object.
This allows the filters to then be referenced by any libvirt object
that requires their functionality, instead tieing them only to use
by guest NICs. In the current implementation, filters can be associated
with individual guest NICs via the libvirt domain XML format. In the
future we might allow filters to be associated with the virtual network
objects. Further we're expecting to define a new 'virtual switch' object
to remove the complexity of configuring bridge/sriov/vepa networking
modes. This make also end up making use of network filters.
There are a new set of virsh commands for managing network filters
virsh nwfilter-define define or update a network filter from an XML file
virsh nwfilter-undefine undefine a network filter
virsh nwfilter-dumpxml network filter information in XML
virsh nwfilter-list list network filters
virsh nwfilter-edit edit XML configuration for a network filter
There are equivalently named C APIs for each of these commands.
As with all objects libvirt manages, network filters are configured
using an XML format. At a high level the format looks like this:
<filter name='no-spamming' chain='XXXX'>
<rule ...>
<filterref filter='XXXX'/>
Every filter has a name and UUID which serve as unique identifiers.
A filter can have zero-or-more <rule> elements which are used to
actually define network controls. Filters can be arranged into a
DAG, so zero-or-more <filterref/> elements are also allowed. Cycles
in the graph are not allowed.
The <rule> element is where all the interesting stuff happens. It
has three attributes, an action, a traffic direction and an optional
priority. eg
<rule action='drop' direction='out' priority='500'>
Within the rule there are a wide variety of elements allowed, which
do protocol specific matching. Supported protocols currently include
'mac', 'arp', 'rarp', 'ip', 'ipv6', 'tcp/ip', 'icmp/ip', 'igmp/ip',
'udp/ip', 'udplite/ip' 'esp/ip', 'ah/ip', 'sctp/ip', 'tcp/ipv6',
'icmp/ipv6', 'igmp/ipv6', 'udp/ipv6', 'udplite/ipv6', 'esp/ipv6',
'ah/ipv6', 'sctp/ipv6'. Each protocol defines what is valid inside
the <rule> element, the general pattern though is
<protocol match='yes|no' attribute1='value1' attribute2='value2'/>
so, eg a TCP protocol, matching ports 0-1023 would be expressed
<tcp match='yes' srcportstart='0' srcportend='1023'/>
Attributes can included references to variables defined by the
object using the rule. So the guest XML format allows each NIC
to have a MAC address and IP address defined. These are made
available to filters via the variables $IP and $MAC.
So to define a filter the prevents IP address spoofing we can
simply match on source IP address != $IP
<filter name='no-ip-spoofing' chain='ipv4'>
<rule action='drop' direction='out'>
<ip match='no' srcipaddr='$IP' />
I'm not going to go into details on all the other protocol
matches you can do, because it'll take far too much space.
You can read about the options here
Out of the box in RHEL6/Fedora rawhide, libvirt ships with a
set of default useful rules
# virsh nwfilter-list
15b1ab2b-b1ac-1be2-ed49-2042caba4abb allow-arp
6c51a466-8d14-6d11-46b0-68b1a883d00f allow-dhcp
7517ad6c-bd90-37c8-26c9-4eabcb69848d allow-dhcp-server
3d38b406-7cf0-8335-f5ff-4b9add35f288 allow-incoming-ipv4
5ff06320-9228-2899-3db0-e32554933415 allow-ipv4
db0b1767-d62b-269b-ea96-0cc8b451144e clean-traffic
f88f1932-debf-4aa1-9fbe-f10d3aa4bc95 no-arp-spoofing
772f112d-52e4-700c-0250-e178a3d91a7a no-ip-multicast
7ee20370-8106-765d-f7ff-8a60d5aaf30b no-ip-spoofing
d5d3c490-c2eb-68b1-24fc-3ee362fc8af3 no-mac-broadcast
fb57c546-76dc-a372-513f-e8179011b48a no-mac-spoofing
dba10ea7-446d-76de-346f-335bd99c1d05 no-other-l2-traffic
f5c78134-9da4-0c60-a9f0-fb37bc21ac1f no-other-rarp-traffic
7637e405-4ccf-42ac-5b41-14f8d03d8cf3 qemu-announce-self
9aed52e7-f0f3-343e-fe5c-7dcb27b594e5 qemu-announce-self-rarp
Most of these are just building blocks. The interesting one here
is 'clean-traffic'. This pulls together all the building blocks
into one filter that you can then associate with a guest NIC.
This stops the most common bad things a guest might try, IP
spoofing, arp spoofing and MAC spoofing. To look at the rules for
any of these just do
virsh nwfilter-dumpxml FILTERNAME|UUID
They are all stored in /etc/libvirt/nwfilter, but don't edit
files there directly. Use 'virsh nwfilter-define' to update
them. This ensures the guests have their iptables/ebtables
rules recreated.
To associate the clean-trafffic filter with a guest, edit the
guest XML config and change the <interface> element to include
a <filterref> and also specify the whitelisted <ip addres/> the
guest is allowed to use
<interface type='bridge'>
<mac address='52:54:00:56:44:32'/>
<source bridge='br1'/>
<ip address=''/>
<target dev='vnet0'/>
<model type='virtio'/>
<filterref filter='clean-traffic'/>
If no <ip address> is included, the network filter driver will
activate its 'learning mode'. This uses libpcap to snoop on
network traffic the guest sends and attempts to identify the
first IP address it uses. It then locks traffic to this address.
Obviously this isn't entirely secure, but it does offer some
protection against the guest being trojaned once up & running.
In the future we intend to enhance the learning mode so that it
looks for DHCPOFFERS from a trusted DHCP server and only allows
the offered IP address to be used.
Now, how is all this implemented... The network filter driver
uses a combination of ebtables, iptables and ip6tables, depending
on which protocols are referenced in a filter. The out of the box
'clean-traffic' filter rules only require use of ebtables. If you
want to do matching at tcp/udp/etc protocols (eg to add a new
filter 'no-email-spamming' to block port 25), then iptables will
also be used.
The driver attempts to keep its rules separate from those that
the host admin might already have configured. So the first thing
it does with ebtables, is to add two hooks in POSTROUTING &
PREROUTING chains, to redirect traffic to custom chains. These
hooks match on the TAP device name of the guest NIC, so they
should not interact badly with any administrator defined rules
Bridge chain: PREROUTING, entries: 1, policy: ACCEPT
-i vnet0 -j libvirt-I-vnet0
Bridge chain: POSTROUTING, entries: 1, policy: ACCEPT
-o vnet0 -j libvirt-O-vnet0
To keep things managable & easy to follow, the driver will then
create further sub-chains for each protocol then it needs to match
Bridge chain: libvirt-I-vnet0, entries: 5, policy: ACCEPT
-p IPv4 -j I-vnet0-ipv4
-p ARP -j I-vnet0-arp
-p 0x8035 -j I-vnet0-rarp
-p 0x835 -j ACCEPT
Bridge chain: libvirt-O-vnet0, entries: 4, policy: ACCEPT
-p IPv4 -j O-vnet0-ipv4
-p ARP -j O-vnet0-arp
-p 0x8035 -j O-vnet0-rarp
Finally, come the actual implementation of the filters. These
example is showing the 'clean-traffic' filter implementation.
I'm not going to explain what this is doing now :-)
Bridge chain: I-vnet0-ipv4, entries: 2, policy: ACCEPT
-s ! 52:54:0:56:44:32 -j DROP
-p IPv4 --ip-src ! -j DROP
Bridge chain: O-vnet0-ipv4, entries: 1, policy: ACCEPT
Bridge chain: I-vnet0-arp, entries: 6, policy: ACCEPT
-s ! 52:54:0:56:44:32 -j DROP
-p ARP --arp-mac-src ! 52:54:0:56:44:32 -j DROP
-p ARP --arp-ip-src ! -j DROP
-p ARP --arp-op Request -j ACCEPT
-p ARP --arp-op Reply -j ACCEPT
Bridge chain: O-vnet0-arp, entries: 5, policy: ACCEPT
-p ARP --arp-op Reply --arp-mac-dst ! 52:54:0:56:44:32 -j DROP
-p ARP --arp-ip-dst ! -j DROP
-p ARP --arp-op Request -j ACCEPT
-p ARP --arp-op Reply -j ACCEPT
Bridge chain: I-vnet0-rarp, entries: 2, policy: ACCEPT
-p 0x8035 -s 52:54:0:56:44:32 -d Broadcast --arp-op Request_Reverse --arp-ip-src --arp-ip-dst --arp-mac-src 52:54:0:56:44:32 --arp-mac-dst 52:54:0:56:44:32 -j ACCEPT
Bridge chain: O-vnet0-rarp, entries: 2, policy: ACCEPT
-p 0x8035 -d Broadcast --arp-op Request_Reverse --arp-ip-src --arp-ip-dst --arp-mac-src 52:54:0:56:44:32 --arp-mac-dst 52:54:0:56:44:32 -j ACCEPT
NB, we would have liked to include the prefix 'libvirt-' in all
of our chain names, but unfortunately the kernel limits names
to a very short maximum length. So only the first two custom
chains can include that prefix. The others just include the
TAP device name + protocol name.
If I define a new filter 'no-spamming' and then add this to the
'clean-traffic' filter, I can illustrate how iptables usage works.
# cat > /root/spamming.xml <<EOF
<filter name='no-spamming' chain='root'>
<rule action='drop' direction='out' priority='500'>
<tcp dstportstart='25' dstportend='25'/>
# virsh nwfilter-define /root/spamming.xml
# virsh nwfilter-edit clean-traffic
...add <filterref filter='no-spamming'/>
All active guests immediately have their iptables/ebtables rules
The network filter driver deals with iptables in a very similar
way. First it separates out its rules from those the admin may
have defined, by adding a couple of hooks into the INPUT/FORWARD
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 13M packets, 21G bytes)
target prot opt in out source destination
libvirt-host-in all -- * *
Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT 5532K packets, 3010M bytes)
target prot opt in out source destination
libvirt-in all -- * *
libvirt-out all -- * *
libvirt-in-post all -- * *
These custom chains, then do matching based on the TAP device
name, so they won't open holes in the admin defined matches for
the LAN/WAN (if any).
Chain libvirt-host-in (1 references)
target prot opt in out source destination
HI-vnet0 all -- * * [goto] PHYSDEV match --physdev-in vnet0
Chain libvirt-in (1 references)
target prot opt in out source destination
FI-vnet0 all -- * * [goto] PHYSDEV match --physdev-in vnet0
Chain libvirt-in-post (1 references)
target prot opt in out source destination
ACCEPT all -- * * PHYSDEV match --physdev-in vnet0
Chain libvirt-out (1 references)
target prot opt in out source destination
FO-vnet0 all -- * * [goto] PHYSDEV match --physdev-out vnet0
Finally, we can see the interesting bit which is the actual
implementation of my filter to block port 25 access:
Chain FI-vnet0 (1 references)
target prot opt in out source destination
DROP tcp -- * * tcp dpt:25
Chain FO-vnet0 (1 references)
target prot opt in out source destination
DROP tcp -- * * tcp spt:25
Chain HI-vnet0 (1 references)
target prot opt in out source destination
DROP tcp -- * * tcp dpt:25
One thing in looking at this that you may notice is that if there
are many guests all using the same filters, we will be duplicating
the iptables rules over & over for each guest. This is merely a
limitation of the current rules engine implementation. At the libvirt
object modelling level you can clearly see we've designed the model
so that filter rules are define in one place, and indirectly referenced
by guests. Thus it should be possible to change the impl in the future
so that we can share the actual iptables/ebtables rules for each
guest to create a more scalable system. The stuff in current libvirt
is more or less the very first working impl we've had of this stuff,
so there's not been much optimization work yet.
Also notice that at the XML level we don't expose the fact that we
are using iptables or ebtables at all. The rule definition is done in
terms of network protocols. Thus if we ever find a need, we could
plug in an alternative implementation that calls out to a different
firewall implementation instead of ebtables/iptables (providing that
impl was suitably expressive of course)
Finally, in terms of problems we have in deployment. The biggest
problem is that if the admin does 'service iptables restart' all
our work gets blown away. We've experimented with using lokkit
to record our custom rules in a persistent config file, but that
caused different problem. Admins who were not using lokkit for
their config found that all their own rules got blown away. So
we threw away our lokkit code. Instead we document that if you
run 'service iptables restart', you need to send SIGHUP to libvirt
to make it recreate its rules.
Finally a reminder, that the main documentation we have on this
is online at http://libvirt.org/formatnwfilter.html
|: Red Hat, Engineering, London -o- http://people.redhat.com/berrange/ :|
|: http://libvirt.org -o- http://virt-manager.org -o- http://deltacloud.org :|
|: http://autobuild.org -o- http://search.cpan.org/~danberr/ :|
|: GnuPG: 7D3B9505 -o- F3C9 553F A1DA 4AC2 5648 23C1 B3DF F742 7D3B 9505 :|
14 years, 9 months
[libvirt-users] VirtualBox driver : creating storage for a new machine
by Christian Patsch
Another thing I'm strugglin with:
When creating a new domain from scratch using the proposed XML format in
the documentation, everything works fine - basically. A problem that I'd
like to solve now is that I would expect to be able to create new
volumes within libvirt.
I started with a basic XML file in order to define a pool, but virsh
told me that creating pools is not supported by the VirtualBox hypervisor.
>From the code and different hints I learned that there is only one pool
with a dummy UUID, named "default-pool".
Next I tried to create a new volume from a XML file, but the only thing
I'm getting are segmentation faults.
Has anybody used this approach successfully ?
Otherwise I assume that I have to create the VDI files manually using
VirtualBox GUI/VBoxManage or vboxshell.py.
Thanks in advance,
14 years, 9 months
[libvirt-users] VirtualBox headless
by Christian Patsch
I'm trying to use the VirtualBox/vbox driver together with libvirt 0.8.1
on a Ubuntu Lucid Machine, VirtualBox Release 3.1.
The goal is to run the virtual machines headless and to connect using RDP.
When starting a virtual domain using 'virsh start <domainname>' the GUI
of VirtualBox will pop up and I see no option to prevent this. If X is
not running, the virsh command will terminate with 'unknown failure'.
I've found some hints on inclusion of the headless statement in the
'graphics' part of the XML definition file, but when I tree to adopt
this, the editing of the file will crash.
Has anyone achieved to manage VBox machines with libvirt on a headless
server ?
Thanks in advance for some hints or experiences with this issue,
14 years, 9 months
[libvirt-users] can't access VM after Fedora 13 KVM install
by Joel Uckelman
I'm installing a Fedora 13 virtual host on a Fedora 13 system, like this:
virt-install --ram 2048 --vcpus 4 --name test --os-type linux \
--os-variant fedora13 --disk /var/lib/libvirt/images/test.img,size=10 \
--cdrom /var/lib/libvirt/Fedora-13-x86_64-DVD.iso --vnc --noautoconsole
I connect to the installer using virt-manager, and the install appears to
complete successfully. Then, I reboot the virtual machine and reconnect
with virt-manager. What I see is this:
Starting SeaBios (version 0.5.1)
gPXE (http://etherboot.org) - 00:04.0 C900 PCI2.10 PnP BBS PMM7FE0@10 C900
Booting from Hard Disk...
If I connect to the VM's console using 'virsh console', there's no output
at all. I don't see anything in /var/log/messages or /var/log/libvirt that
looks like an error.
So, I'm not sure what's going on here, as this is the first time I've done
anything with virtualization. Has my VM hung, or is this what's supposed to
happen? I was expecting that somewhere along the line that my VM would get
an IP address via DHCP so I could SSH to it, but don't see anything indicating
that has happend, or what the IP address is if it has. Is something broken
here, or have I missed a crucial step?
14 years, 9 months
[libvirt-users] network interface management in bridge firewall configuration
by Aleksander Trofimowicz
I'm just wondering why I can't manage my network interfaces through
libvirt when the following kernel parameters are turned on:
Is it a bug or by design? If the latter, could someone explain me
premises of such decision? I'm aware of security implications of
mixing conntrack and bridge bits, so we can skip that point.
This behaviour is noticeable when using:
aleksander trofimowicz
14 years, 9 months