I am not sure this issue is tight to Red Hat qxl GPU driver, but I
can't initialize directxX on a guest windows 7.
Trying to start a game, I get the error message :
Failed to initialize directX
Of course, directX is installed on the w7 guest, and properly.
The dxdiag command, a directx diagnostic tool, does not show any error.
Some summary under the video :
Driver name : Red Hat QXL GPU
Processor type : SeaBIOS VBEC(C) 2011
No Directx functionality are available (Direct Draw, Direct3D, AGP texture)
I am not a windows expert, but I would like to know if DirectX is
compatible with QXL driver.
If not, what is the process to be able to run directX on the windows
guest ? If both are compatible, what did I miss ? The VM is working
perfectly with virtio & qxl.
Please find below my virt-install command:
virt-install --connect qemu:///system --name=tintinWinoz --memory 4096
--cpu host-model-only --os-variant=win7 --disk /myVM/tintin --boot
cdrom,hd --virt-type kvm --graphics spice --controller
scsi,model=virtio-scsi --cdrom /dev/cdrom --disk
I thereafter installed manually from the w7 guest virtio & qxl drivers.
Thank you for advises.
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