On 08/11/2013 10:13 PM, The PowerTool wrote:
Referring to the information at:
Migration of guests between hosts is a complicated problem"
Can someone please point me to documentation stating why migration is "a complicated
The vm is powered off.
Offline migration is quite easy - just copy the disk image and the
domain XML description to the new location, and start it up.
The reference to "a complicated problem" deals with online migration
(that is, while the guest continues to run with minimal downtime) - it
is conceptually complicated, but it is a problem that is understood, and
which a simple virsh command line is able to do all the pieces to make
it work. Don't be scared off by that statement :) And if you do hit
problems, continue to ask for help here.
Eric Blake eblake redhat com +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library