I'm not familiar with the libvirt codebase, but the extension of
libvirt-guests.sh indicates that it is a shell script. Maybe you can modify
it to find the spot where it hangs?
2017-07-09 18:49 GMT+02:00 Jędrek Domański <jedrek.domanski(a)gmail.com>:
Yeah, I know. Sorry for my demanding attitude.
Any hints how I could start debugging the problem?
2017-07-09 18:12 GMT+02:00 Dominik Psenner <dpsenner(a)gmail.com>:
> You can't expect anyone to step up happily to fix a problem you
> experience. If you're unhappy with the open source solution you have at
> least 4 options:
> 1. buy a license for red hat
> 2. get customer support from red hat
> 3. buy a license for vmware
> 4. work out why it doesn't work, give feedback to the community and may
> even work out a fix that you can give back to the community. with a bit of
> luck the overall open source product could evolve into something better.
> I feel sorry that I couldn't you help any further. Good luck!
> Cheers,
> Dominik
> 2017-07-09 0:38 GMT+02:00 Jędrek Domański <jedrek.domanski(a)gmail.com>:
>> Dominik,
>> What's the point of including a software to an OS that does not work?
>> 2017-07-08 18:34 GMT+02:00 Dominik Psenner <dpsenner(a)gmail.com>:
>>> I just wanted to point out that you're only resolving the symptom, not
>>> the actual cause. At the same time I'm afraid that I don't know what
>>> cause of your problems is. If you don't want to run virsh guests you
>>> probably won't need the service, but then what's the point of having
>>> libvirt-bin installed in the first place? :-)
>>> Cheers
>>> 2017-07-07 23:23 GMT+02:00 Jędrek Domański
>>>> Dominik,
>>>> As far as I am concerned the command provided by Andrea disables
>>>> libvirt-guests service at boot.
>>>> jedrek@Home:~$ service libvirt-guests status
>>>> ● libvirt-guests.service - Suspend Active Libvirt Guests
>>>> Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/libvirt-guests.service;
>>>> *disabled*; vendor preset: enabled)
>>>> Active: inactive (dead)
>>>> Docs: man:libvirtd(8)
>>>> When you enable/disable a service *sysctemctl *creates a symlink of a
>>>> service into the location on disk where systemd looks for autostart
>>>> (usually /etc/systemd/system/some_target.target.wants
>>>> jedrek@Home:~$ ls /etc/systemd/system/ | grep libvirt*
>>>> libvirtd.service
>>>> No libvirt-guests.service
>>>> I know this is just a workaround but what's wrong with this?
>>>> 2017-07-07 19:13 GMT+02:00 Dominik Psenner <dpsenner(a)gmail.com>:
>>>>> Note that this disables the shutdown of libvirt guests when the host
>>>>> shuts down.
>>>>> 2017-07-07 16:20 GMT+02:00 Jędrek Domański
>>>>> >:
>>>>>> Andrea,
>>>>>> You are a genius!!! :D It's worked :)) Thank yo so much!!!
>>>>>> 2017-07-07 12:14 GMT+02:00 Andrea Bolognani
>>>>>>> On Fri, 2017-07-07 at 09:46 +0200, Jędrek Domański wrote:
>>>>>>> > Hi Dominik,
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > So what is going on on my computer with the script
>>>>>>> libvirt-guests.sh?
>>>>>>> > Why is it hanging on it? How should I address this
>>>>>>> Not sure what the root cause of your problem is, but you
>>>>>>> can use
>>>>>>> # systemctl disable libvirt-guests
>>>>>>> to verify if the script is really what causes shutdown
>>>>>>> to hang. It might very well be that it's merely the last
>>>>>>> thing producing output before the actual issue occurs.
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Andrea Bolognani / Red Hat / Virtualization
>>>>> --
>>>>> Dominik Psenner
>>> --
>>> Dominik Psenner
> --
> Dominik Psenner