Nfs mount 'gone' after vm's start
by Marc Roos
I have had a nfs-ganesha mount provision install images for vm's, and
recently I have the mount stall after starting a vm. (even when it does
not access an iso image on the nfs mount)
I have the host ip on a macvtap of the connected interface. The vm is
also having an macvtap on the same interface to allow host-guest
I am mounting the nfs with these options.
e-timeout=30 0 0
The problem is fixed by doing a simple 'umount -l'
Anyone seen something similar? I suspect this could be related by the
macvtap being created, but I cannot remember seeing this mount fail
4 years, 2 months
apparmor DENIED on domain shutdown
by Francesc Guasch
Hi. I upgraded one of my servers to Ubuntu 20.04. Since then domains
won't shutdown. They are in the "in shutdown" state.
I googled around and I found it is probably because of apparmor.
I see this message in the logs:
kernel: [740222.848210] audit: type=1400 audit(1606983397.013:338):
apparmor="DENIED" operation="signal"
profile="libvirt-a2c1456f-3371-49eb-9fa4-f8576ca4e878" pid=2375
comm="libvirtd" requested_mask="receive" denied_mask="receive" signal=term
I tried to run this but it does nothing:
aa-complain /usr/sbin/libvirtd
The only solution I found was to run aa-disable to the machine id
so it can be shut down.
I found some similar issues but I can't figure out what I have to tweak
in the apparmor files. If you can point me to some doc may be I skipped
I will or any solution I would appreciate it.
This is
- Ubuntu 20.04
- libvirt 6.0.0-0
- qemu-kvm 1:4.2-3
Thank you very much.
4 years, 2 months
qemu guest agent(QGA) in guest OS
by Henry lol
AFAIK, QGA is automatically installed and run in guest OS after installing
OS from iso file whereas it's not installed in case of installing OS on the
host even with same iso and configuration.
So, I am wondering how it works differently depending on the guest or host.
Does the OS installer selectively install packages?
4 years, 2 months
How to exit console in L2 vm?
by Yalan Zhang
I have a question about nested virtualization. The scenario is as below:
1. Prepare the nested environment, start L2 guest.
2. On the host, connect the L1 vm console, then on L1 guest, connect the L2
guest console:
(host)# virsh console L1_vm
Connected to domain L1_vm
Escape character is ^] (Ctrl + ])
(L1 vm)# virsh console L2_vm
Connected to domain L2_vm
Escape character is ^] (Ctrl + ])
(L2 vm)# <=== press " ^] " to exit the console, it return to the **host**
Is it expected that "^]" in L2 guest will exit thoroughly to the host, not
the L1 guest?
Thank you!
Best Regards,
Yalan Zhang
IRC: yalzhang
4 years, 2 months