[libvirt-users] The LXC container propagate the ro remount to the host mount point
by Sebastien Douche
every so often (cannot determine when it occurs at this time), the VM
remount in read only the host partition (/srv here). Is it a bug? A
My config:
<filesystem type='mount' accessmode='passthrough'>
<source dir='/srv/lxc/lib/vprobe10/rootfs'/>
<target dir='/'/>
Sebastien Douche <sdouche(a)gmail.com>
Twitter: @sdouche / G+: +sdouche
12 years, 8 months
[libvirt-users] Image booted using libvirt with --arch=i686 gives a message: Kernel detected only i486 CPU
by Georgy Sebastian Pullolickal
I tried booting a gentoo image I had created using the command
virt-install --name=test --ram=512 --vcpus=1 --import --os-type=Linux
--arch=i686 --disk path=/vms/test.qcow2,format=qcow2 --graphics
vnc,port=5910,listen=,password=test123 --network bridge=virbr0
--noautoconsole --description --autostart
However even though the architecture is specified as i686, the image does
not boot. It gives a message
This kernel requires an i586 CPU, but only detected an i486 CPU. Unable to
boot- please use a kernel appropriate for your CPU.
The created libvirt profile xml can be found at Pastebin
I am able to boot it directly using qemu --enable-kvm
I am at a loss about what could be causing such an issue?? Additionally is
there by which I can pass additional parameters to qemu using libvirt? I
understand that it is possible to pass the arguments by modifying the
domain xml, but is there any way to do the same though command line? For my
current work, I need to use a custom version of qemu with custom
12 years, 8 months
[libvirt-users] Reg: Info on memory usage from within LXC.
by Alphonse Hansel Anthony
Hi All,
Is it possible to report memory usage of a LXC, from within a LXC?
Tools like #top, #free use /proc information and report back the host
Is /proc namespace aware?
Are there any other tools available to report memory usage from
cgroups directly,
but from within the container?
Any info or pointers on this would be useful.
12 years, 8 months
[libvirt-users] NPIV setup?
by Jason Price
I'm missing something.
The purpose of NPIV (as I understand it) is to give a guest OS an HBA that
it can scan, play with new luns, etc all without making changes to the
physical server(s) the guest is living in currently.
However, I can't find a way to either have the guest's XML config create
the HBA or for the physical server to successfully GIVE the HBA to the
guest. I can give disks all day long, but I can't give the HBA to the
It seems like libvirt and virsh can only create the vHBA on the physical
box, which defeats the purpose of working with NPIV then... I can just
present the same luns to the REAL WWPNs of the physical boxes that need
access, setup multipathd to give /dev/mapper names in a consistent manner,
and give the raw disks to the guests.
I really want to get the physical KVM servers out of the 'storage
management' game aside from the basic OSes of the guests. How can I do
(or am I missing something?)
12 years, 8 months