[libvirt-users] libvirt + ESX (HTTP response code 400 for call to 'Login')
by Hereward Cooper
Hi folks,
I'm trying to connect to a vSphere cluster using the information from
the libvirt documentation.
$ virsh -c
Enter root's password for
error: internal error HTTP response code 400 for call to 'Login'
error: failed to connect to the hypervisor
I seem to be able to establish a connection, but it fails with a "HTTP
code 400". If I provide the incorrect password it fails with a 'login
credentials' error, so it looks like I am getting a connection, but it's
failing for another reason.
Wireshark is no help as it's all done over SSL/TLS.
Any thoughts folks?
I've tried various versions of libvirt up to the newest.
When I put virsh into debug mode it returns this:
Enter root's password for
15:19:09.011: debug : do_open:1249 : driver 3 ESX returned ERROR
15:19:09.011: debug : virUnrefConnect:294 : unref connection 0x98aa8f8 1
15:19:09.011: debug : virReleaseConnect:249 : release connection 0x98aa8f8
error: internal error HTTP response code 400 for call to 'Login'
error: failed to connect to the hypervisor
I've watched the vmware hostd.log file whilst trying to login, and it
reports this error:
And the VMware hostd.log file reports this:
[2011-03-02 10:24:16.415 26AF8B90 verbose 'Proxysvc Req16870'] New proxy
client SSL(TCP(local=, peer=
[2011-03-02 10:24:16.430 26933B90 error 'SoapAdapter'] Client sent us an
invalid SOAP request: at line number 8, not well-formed (invalid token)
Any thoughts appreciated.
13 years, 11 months