Re: [libvirt-users] libvirt-users Digest, Vol 15, Issue 25
by Zvi Dubitzky
Sorry, let me rephrase the question again:
I need define a user /password for sasl but want the authentication at
be automatic - no explicit promting the user while accessing a tcp socket
with some applications that need authentication (e.g libvirt)
I try : saslpasswd2 -c -p -a libvirt <user>
and it hangs (if i now press Enter it says : "invalid parameter
supplied") . if I avoid the -p flag the above commad works fine and
prompts for password and later when using the tcp (virsh -c
qemu+tcp:...) it prompts for the above defined user/password and
autheticates ok.
But I want without the explicit authentication
The man pages says :
"-p Pipe mode - saslpasswd2 will neither prompt for the password nor
verify that it was entered correctly. This is the default when standard
input is not a terminal. "
In the past (before upgrading of libvirt via rpm) I had the SASL
authentication done automatically without prompting the user at runtime
(virsh qemu+tcp:///system <command> ) and without need to configure that.
Don't know how to restore it .
Any help ?
Zvi Dubitzky
libvirt-users-bounces(a) wrote on 26/03/2011 18:00:08:
> From: libvirt-users-request(a)
> To: libvirt-users(a)
> Date: 26/03/2011 18:08
> Subject: libvirt-users Digest, Vol 15, Issue 25
> Sent by: libvirt-users-bounces(a)
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> Today's Topics:
> 1. saslpasswd2 and virsh -c qemu+tcp:///system <command>
> (Zvi Dubitzky)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2011 16:27:06 +0300
> From: Zvi Dubitzky <DUBI(a)>
> To: libvirt-users(a)
> Subject: [libvirt-users] saslpasswd2 and virsh -c qemu+tcp:///system
> <command>
> Message-ID:
> <OF80114F71.6895179C-ONC225785F.00498EC8-C225785F.0049E967(a)>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
> I need define a user /password for sasl but want that to do the
> verification
> automatically no -promting ( or even maybe avoid the verification)
> using a tcp socket with some applications that need authentication (e.g
> libvirt)
> so I try : saslpasswd2 -c -p -a libvirt <user>
> and it hangs (if i now press Enter it says : "invalid parameter
> supplied") . if I avoid the -p flag the above commad works fine and
> prompts for password and later when using the tc p (virsh -c
> qemu+tcp:...) it prompts for the above defined user/password and
> autheticates ok .
> But I want without the prompting
> The man pages says
> -p Pipe mode - saslpasswd2 will neither prompt for the password nor
> verify that it was entered correctly. This is the default when standard
> input is not a terminal.
> In the past (before some upgrading of libvirt via rpm) the SASL
> authentication was done automatically no need for prompting
> Don't know how to restore it .
> Any help ?
> thanks
> Zvi Dubitzky
> ------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> libvirt-users mailing list
> libvirt-users(a)
> End of libvirt-users Digest, Vol 15, Issue 25
> *********************************************
13 years, 10 months
[libvirt-users] saslpasswd2 and virsh -c qemu+tcp:///system <command>
by Zvi Dubitzky
I need define a user /password for sasl but want that to do the
automatically no -promting ( or even maybe avoid the verification) while
using a tcp socket with some applications that need authentication (e.g
so I try : saslpasswd2 -c -p -a libvirt <user>
and it hangs (if i now press Enter it says : "invalid parameter
supplied") . if I avoid the -p flag the above commad works fine and
prompts for password and later when using the tc p (virsh -c
qemu+tcp:...) it prompts for the above defined user/password and
autheticates ok .
But I want without the prompting
The man pages says
-p Pipe mode - saslpasswd2 will neither prompt for the password nor
verify that it was entered correctly. This is the default when standard
input is not a terminal.
In the past (before some upgrading of libvirt via rpm) the SASL
authentication was done automatically no need for prompting
Don't know how to restore it .
Any help ?
Zvi Dubitzky
13 years, 10 months
[libvirt-users] how to restart the network connection of kvm guest OS ?
by 何文聪
When a vm move from one VLAN(e.g. VLAN 1) to another VLAN (e.g. VLAN 2), it is needed to restart the network connection of guest OS, so that it can begin a dhcp discover and get a new ip again. But i can't find the way to restart the guest os's network connection by libvirt (neither python API nor virsh command). Is any other ways? PS: i found that the VirtualBox can detach the cable of VMs and re-attach so that the guest OS will recognize and restart a dhcp discover when the cable re-attach. I guess the KVM will have some feature like that , is anybody know something about that?
thanks and looking forward to your answers.
13 years, 10 months
[libvirt-users] livemigration over specific bridge/nic?
by Christoph Raible
Hi @all,
I have a question about the livemigration with libvirt / kvm.
I have two bridges configured in my setup of each host. Now I want to
set br1 (private network) as default NIC for live migration.
Is there any solution to get this work for me?
I tried to bind libvirt to those IP-Range but after that the
livemigration doesn't works.
If you need more details please tell me :)
Vorstand/Board of Management:
Dr. Bernd Finkbeiner, Dr. Roland Niemeier,
Dr. Arno Steitz, Dr. Ingrid Zech
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats/
Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
Michel Lepert
Sitz/Registered Office: Tuebingen
Registergericht/Registration Court: Stuttgart
Registernummer/Commercial Register No.: HRB 382196
13 years, 10 months
Re: [libvirt-users] libvirt unavailable while a VM is in migration?]
by Igor Serebryany
On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 02:14:42PM +0100, Jiri Denemark wrote:
> Ouch, I wonder if that could be the reason...
Just to make sure that my strange compiling/packages aren't causing the
problem, I've set up two servers running fedora 14 with the official
libvirt packages. i experience the same problem -- while a vm is in
migration, nothing else works. my traces reveal libvirt getting stuck at
the same exact spot as on my debian machines.
at this point, i'm pretty sure that this is a bug in libvirt. Has
libvirt ever had the ability to perform other operations while a qemu
migration is in progress? If so than this is a regression, and a pretty
serious one. For me, this makes live-migrations totally unusable, and
since I cannot run my project without live-migrations and I cannot use
any outside tools to do live-migrations when I'm using libvirt this
makes libvirt totally unusable.
i am desperate to get this bug fixed, and i don't think i have the
resources to try to patch it myself. is there anything i can do to help
you guys? more debugging info? foot massage?
13 years, 10 months
[libvirt-users] storage pool vs storage volume
by Zvi Dubitzky
Can anybody give a good reference to understand the difference between
storage pool and storage volume
>From what I have seem storage volume describes the physical storage media
and the pool a collection of such
But from the XML at libvirt I do not exactly understand that .
Zvi Dubitzky
13 years, 10 months
[libvirt-users] using more than 1 core by a virtual machine
by Zvi Dubitzky
My virtual machine xml file has <vcpu>2</vcpu> clause while the host has
2 physical cpus (cores).
Is this enough to cause a VM running 2 endless loop threads to use the 2
cores ?
In my case the VM running reports (cat /roc/cpuinfo) that it has 2 vcpus
but it uses only 1 core (at a time) because
the 'top' at the host shows 100%cpu (out of total 200%) used by the
endless loop application
Also virsh vcpuinfo <vm> shows only 1 CPU and 1 vcpu
any idea ?
Zvi Dubitzky
13 years, 11 months
[libvirt-users] About monitoring
by kadir yüceer
Hello all,
As I've been exporing libvirt api, I've seen event registerers, and types of
events are defined, undefined, and you know the rest. Is it all for event
types? Any ideas about how to look for a device access event, for example?
Kind regards
13 years, 11 months
[libvirt-users] start/stop hooks
by Mateusz Kijowski
Hi list,
I have a quick question. Is there a way to run a script on the libvirt host
after a domain is started/stopped ?
13 years, 11 months
[libvirt-users] error : remoteDispatchAuthPolkit:3799 : Policy kit denied action org.libvirt.unix.manage from pid 2381
by Christoph Raible
Hi @all,
first my system:
OS: Scientific Linux 6.0
Hypervisor: KVM + libvirt
I got the following error
/*error : remoteDispatchAuthPolkit:3799 : Policy kit denied action org.libvirt.unix.manage from pid 2381*/
when I want to connect with:
/*virsh -c qemu:///system*/
to the hypervisor with a new added user.
The user is in in kvm and qmeu group and the connection with virsh -c qemu://$hostname/system works fine.
Also root login with the "login" works fine.
I configured libvirt to use TLS-authetification...
Did anyone of you have a solution to solve this problem.
Best Regards
Christoph Raible
Vorstand/Board of Management:
Dr. Bernd Finkbeiner, Dr. Roland Niemeier,
Dr. Arno Steitz, Dr. Ingrid Zech
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats/
Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
Michel Lepert
Sitz/Registered Office: Tuebingen
Registergericht/Registration Court: Stuttgart
Registernummer/Commercial Register No.: HRB 382196
13 years, 11 months