On Sep 14, 2011 5:13 PM, "Eric Blake" <eblake(a)redhat.com> wrote:
[let's keep the list in the loop]
On 09/14/2011 04:07 PM, Trey Dockendorf wrote:
>> Given your original qeustion, if your management apps really do require
> 0.8.8 APIs, then you'll need to upgrade libvirtd on your CentOS host to
> at least 0.8.8 in order to honor your management app requests, or
> modify your management app to gracefully implement fallbacks to older API
> approaches that were available in 0.8.1.
> How risky is it to implement a newer version of libvirt in something like
> centos? I figure based on the huge number of dependencies that its not
> something to safely do. So far we building my libvirt rpms Ive only used
> the same source for the version with centos and the libvirt specs
> in the fedora src rpms. Do the specs know to check for specific
> dependencies?
There's not that many source dependencies for building a newer libvirt
out-of-the-box on top of CentOS. You might also find
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Virtualization_Preview_Repository as a useful
example for the amount of effort involved in running newer virt tools on top
of an otherwise stable repository. Also, search the list archives; the
topic of installing the latest libvirt on CentOS or RHEL 5 has come up
several times recently, with various tidbits of good advice.
Eric Blake eblake(a)redhat.com +1-801-349-2682
Libvirt virtualization library
Ah sorry, didnt mean to send off list. First time replying from my phone.
Ill check that out, thanks. Ive seen that repo and will hopefully be able
to get a test system together. What should I look out for when attempting
an upgrade from the CentOS release( 0.8.1)? My worry is it will look like
everything works while testing and I wont find the bugs in this idea until I
move it to my production server.
- Trey