On 07/19/2013 09:34 AM, Peter Matulis wrote:
Hi everybody,
Using libvirt 1.0.0 how does one change the L2 cache size of the virtual
CPU? I can change the CPU model but the cache size never changes:
<cpu mode='host-passthrough'/>
<cpu match='exact' mode='custom'/>
Is there a qemu requirement?
As far as I know, qemu does not expose a command line option that lets
you determine the size of the L2 cache that the guest will see; as long
as qemu doesn't have the knob, then libvirt can't expose the knob in
XML. So yes, you'd have to implement it in qemu first.
Eric Blake eblake redhat com +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library