can anyone give an example for a pointopoint routed setup?
i.e. each virtual machine has one ip with pointopoint config to the
host machine, on a private interface - thus the virtual machines can
only talk to the host, which routes them and can use normal iptables
for filtering all traffic.
with xen this was a simple script doing
ifconfig ${vif} ${main_ip} netmask up
ip route ${ipcmd} ${addr} dev ${vif} src ${main_ip}
and an optional
echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/${vif}/proxy_arp
has someone implemented something like this with libvirt/kvm setup?
can you give some pointers how to do this?
I don't need high speed communication between the virtual machines,
and the option to filter all traffic between them (without using
the bridge netfilter tables) would be nice.
Or is there a reason not to use such a setup, and a better option
to implement this?
Thanks for your help and best regards,
Andreas Jellinghaus
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