On 05/14/2016 07:16 AM, Le Nucksi wrote:
Hello list,
is there a way to get more recent libvirt builds for CentOS 7 that include
support for the xl (modern Xen) toolstack?
I tried to build libvirt from the SRPM, which succeeded, however, without
the mentioned Xen parts.
I have also found two repos from people who provide upstream libvirt builds
for CentOS 7, again, without the Xen parts.
https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/jmliger/virt7-upstream/ and
Within the CentOS virtualization SIG builds for Xen there is a 1.3.x build
of libvirt that includes support for the modern Xen toolstack.
Would it be possible to inline this into the upstream to enable building it
with Xen features on CentOS 7 such that the aforementioned people's RPMs
would contain it?
I appreciate any enlightment on the topic.
I think you should either contact the owners of those libvirt repos, or
contact the centos virt sig. I don't know if anyone on these lists is directly
involved with those repos
- Cole