Cool, thanks for the info! Does this still affect libvirt 1.3.2 as
well? You
mentioned elsewhere that you weren't hitting this issue with that version
I miss version and another details.
Test make on CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core)
and libvirt 1.3.2, build from sources with next options:
--without qemu \
--without xen \
--without openvz \
--without vmware \
--without esx \
--without parallels \
--without bhyve \
--without uml \
--without vbox \
--without selinux \
--with lxc \
--with macvtap \
--without storage-rbd \
--with capng
Kernel 3.10.0-327.13.1.el7.x86_64
With version 1.2.18 we had 2 problem - negative value in "used" column
and 8Ptb in "total" column.
In 1.3.2 "used" columns always show positive values.
Maxim Kozin