Hi all,
When I migrate a live vm with two virtual disk images from one node to
another. Bothe of the nodes are in the same LAN and there is no shared
I run the following command and get the output blew:
yyang@node1:~$ sudo virsh migrate --live --persistent --copy-storage-all
--unsafe --verbose vm1 qemu+ssh://
root(a)'s password:
root(a)'s password:
root(a)'s password:
error: Cannot recv data: Permission denied, please try again.
Permission denied, please try again.
Permission denied (publickey,password).: Connection reset by peer
I'm sure the root passwd I entered is correct. And When I run the following
command, it works. I can use qemu+ssh to connect to a remote libvirtd
yyang@node2:~$ sudo virsh
Welcome to virsh, the virtualization interactive terminal.
Type: 'help' for help with commands
'quit' to quit
virsh # connect qemu+ssh://
root(a)'s password:
virsh # list
Id Name State
6 vm1 running
7 vm2 running
virsh #
Any suggestions about this issue?
Thanks a lot!