I have two servers where I can push VMs from one to the other by issuing
the command
virsh migrate --live --persistent --copy-storage-all --verbose \
test6 qemu+ssh://kvmhost2/system
on kvmhost1. I can get the VM back by issuing the equivalent command on
virsh migrate --live --persistent --copy-storage-all --verbose \
test6 qemu+ssh://kvmhost1/system
After an update (on behalf of the glibc bug) it only works for some VMs
and fails for others. The error message is unhelpful:
virsh --debug 4 migrate --live --persistent --copy-storage-all --verbose \
vmware-mgmt qemu+ssh://kvmhost1/system
error: internal error: info migration reply was missing return status
Is there a way to get a more helpful error message?
migrating VMs only works for a very limited subset of the VMs on the
system in the direction kvmhost2 --> kvmhost2
Stopping the VMs, copying them over to kvmhost1 and restarting still
works, and I can even migrate them back.
How do I debug this problem?
One possible way would be to stop all VMs on kvmhost2, manually copy
them to kvmhost1 and start them
and afterwards reinstall all packages
(or the whole Server if that doesn't help)
But that would be a workaround, and I still would not know what the
problem is.
The system is CentOS 7.2 now and was CentOS 7.1 before the upgrade, with
the qemu-kvm-rhev repo added for qemu.
Mit freundlichen Gruessen
Andreas Buschmann
Andreas Buschmann
[Senior Systems Engineer]
net.DE AG