Can somebody please point me to documentation regarding installing libvirt
and the associated drivers from .rpms? I tried to compile from sources,
but not sure where can I get the drivers from. What I get from the
./configure script is the following -
configure:71547: Drivers
configure:71551: Xen: no
configure:71553: QEMU: yes
configure:71555: UML: yes
configure:71557: OpenVZ: yes
configure:71559: VMware: yes
configure:71561: VBox: yes
configure:71563: XenAPI: no
configure:71565: xenlight: no
configure:71567: LXC: no
configure:71569: PHYP: no
configure:71571: ESX: no
configure:71573: Hyper-V: no
configure:71575: Parallels: no
configure:71577: Test: yes
configure:71579: Remote: yes
configure:71581: Network: yes
configure:71583: Libvirtd: yes
configure:71585: Interface: no
configure:71587: macvtap: no
configure:71589: virtport: no
If there were a yum repository where I could download the daemon and the
drives, that'd be great? Any advice would be appreciated.