On Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 07:08:29PM +0300, Zvi Dubitzky wrote:
Using libvirt under openstack I encounter a problem when launching
a VM
with multiple partitions (2 G image) ,
While a single partition can be launched successfully . The launch is
done with Openstack.
We are using in libvirtd.conf log_level=1 and
we can see that in /var/log/libvirt/libvirtd.log appear the following
error message and the VM is finally shutdown :
Do you have some filters applied? If not, the file should have more
messages. Actually, it should get so big it is unsuitable for the
list :)
2014-06-11 14:47:26.166+0000: 12971: error : qemuMonitorIO:614 :
error End of file from monitor
This means qemu died before we even connected to the monitor socket.
And as can be seen from the instance log there is no output from qemu
as to why it died.
If you properly turn on debug logs (and restart libvirtd) you should
be able to see at least whether it was libvirt who killed the qemu
process (and in that case you should also see why it got killed). If
that's not the case, though, I can't tell why qemu does not start.
But I can recommend few things to try:
1) start qemu using the command line from the logs, but beware it
needs to be modified (remove the '-S' and don't use any file
descriptors when launching it)
2) try reproducing this with current upstream libvirt and see whether
the problem is still there
3) debug the qemu process and see why it dies
Sorry I have no specific info that would help right away.