On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 01:56:20PM -0700, Jd wrote:
On 10/15/14, 2:37 AM, Kashyap Chamarthy wrote:
>On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 02:08:41PM -0600, Eric Blake wrote:
>>On 10/14/2014 11:52 AM, Jd wrote:
>>> * Trying to get drive-backup command, getting permission denied. :(
>>> sudo virsh qemu-monitor-command --hmp my-instance --cmd
>>>drive_backup drive-virtio-disk0 /tmp/foo.vda.img
>>Ouch. qemu-monitor-command is explicitly unsupported, precisely because
>>it goes behind libvirt's back and is likely to get libvirt confused.
>>Most likely, the reason permission is denied is that you are failing to
>>set the sVirt permissions of the file you are trying to use (this
>>includes setting all of SELinux/apparmor labels, the disk lease manager,
>>and cgroup ACLs). You really are better off experimenting on raw qemu
>>without libvirt, or else waiting for (or helping to patch) libvirt to
>>drive the command directly, as trying to issue the raw monitor command
>>while libvirt is still managing the domain is a recipe for disaster, as
>>you just found.
>>> Looks like apparmor issue. What can I modify to make this work ?
>>> * Couple of other questions
>>> drive-backup :
>>> * The doc seems to claim that it gives a point in time copy of
>>>the drive. So I assume that no need to take any snapshot etc.. and merge
>>>back in.
>>My understanding of the qemu command is that given:
>>[base] <- [active]
>>calling drive-backup will create:
>>[base] <- [snapshot](frozen at point of command)
>> \- [active](still modified by guest)
>>> * does it internally use snapshot ? Does this hook in to doing
>>>fsfreeze and unfreeze using guest agent and does it automagically ? I
>>>do not see any options here.
>>I have not yet had time to look into wiring up libvirt to drive the
>>command; the libvirt solution will probably have the optional ability to
>>quiesce the file system around the snapshot event, similar to the
>>existing --quiesce flag of virDomainSnapshotCreateXML (in fact,
>>virDomainSnaphostCreateXML might even BE the interface we use to wire up
>>the qemu drive-backup command)
>>> * Suppose I have base <-- sn1 --<-- sn2 (QEMU active) .
>>>it take data from sn2 only ? or base+sn1+sn2 .. full drive and creates
>>>a new qcow2 sparse file.
>>If I understand the qemu command correctly, you have three choices via
>>the 'sync' option: the entire disk (the snapshot is a flat image
>>containing contents of base+sn1+sn2 with no backing file), a shallow
>>copy (the snapshot is a qcow2 file containing contents of sn2 with
>>backing file of sn1), or all new I/O (the snapshot file is populated
>>only when additional writes occur to sn2; the more writes into the
>>snapshot, the more sn2 has diverged from the point in time you created
>>the snapshot; which might be more useful once persistent dirty bitmap
>>tracking is added to qemu). You may get better answers to questions
>>like this on the qemu list, since libvirt can't drive it yet.
>As an addendum, here's a small QMP example to test QMP 'drive-backup'
>exec 3<>/dev/tcp/localhost/4444
>echo -e "{ 'execute': 'qmp_capabilities' }" >&3
>read response <&3
>echo $response
>echo -e "{ 'execute': 'drive-backup', 'arguments':
> { 'device': 'drive-ide0-0-0', 'sync': 'full',
> '/var/lib/libvirt/images/backup-copy.qcow2', 'mode':
'absolute-paths', 'format': 'qcow2' } }" >&3
>read response <&3
>echo $response
>echo -e "{execute: 'query-block-jobs'}" >&3
>Of course, the above assumes a QEMU instance is running with QMP server:
> $ qemu-system-x86_64. . . -qmp tcp:localhost:4444,server
Thank you. This might come handy. But I guess this can still throw libvirt
off ? right ?
By "throw libvirt off" if you mean this: as the VM is running QEMU CLI
(with QMP server) behind the back of libvirt, assuming this same VM
was being managed by libvirt until that point -- in that sense, yes,
what you say is probably correct.