> This mail server does manage a lot of mail per day, but not
enough to
> even consume the 8GB I've allocated, and the "mailq" command typically
> takes a few seconds to respond, even when there's only a few messages
> in the queue.
> iotop may report as much as 2M/s on the host, with an average of about
> 400-600K/s. Does that seem like a lot? I can write like 80MB/s at
> least using dd to test.
I had similar problems previously. The crux in my case is the number
of IOPS possible. 100K of 2KB file writes is still 2MB/s but requires
a lot more IO overheads than 1 single 2MB file.
Recommendations that I was given which stopped the system from locking
up included
1. use ionice on the mail process
2. change the IO scheduler/elevator from the default CFQ
3. switch from file-based virtual drives to raw disk devices
4. mount filesystems with noatime
Also, are you using RAID 5?
The only thing I haven't done from above is to use ionice on mail
processes. I'm using RAID5 across three 1TB SATA3 disks, I'm using
deadline scheduler, the /var partition is mounted noatime, and the
disk is mounted raw:
<disk type='file' device='disk'>
<driver name='qemu' type='raw'/>
<source file='/var/lib/libvirt/images/mail02.img'/>
<target dev='vda' bus='virtio'/>
<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00'
How do I configure BIND to ignore TTLs and keep everything for five
minutes, as suggested?