.... I am getting a bit tired of those pesky DNSmasq entries in my
syslog file, they fill it up about weekly, wash other stuff out of view
on a tail. Is there any way to suppress them. or else increase their
lease time so that they happen less frequently ? Having a finite lease
time for a VM seems nonsensical, it can't go anywhere or disconnect
(obviously) .... I tried restarting DNSmasq, but it said 'Socket busy'
or some such & didn't restart. Someone on another list said that DNSmasq
was/is in fact started by libvirt/KVM/QEMU, & I poked around in the
various /etc/sysconfig files, but couldn't find anything related to
DNSmasq, whatever options it is started with seem to be hardwired or
compiled into one of the pertinent executables .... FC 14, 64 bit,
terminally patched up, libvirt 0.8.3-10.fc14 64-bit, qemu-KVM
2:0.13.0-1.fc14 64-bit .... TIA ....
William A. Mahaffey III
"The M1 Garand is without doubt the finest implement of war
ever devised by man."
-- Gen. George S. Patton Jr.