On Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 12:43:21 +0000, Sundar Nadathur wrote:
Hello Jirka,
The script is not even invoked for prepare/start calls, not that it
is invoking libvirt APIs or is hanging. When it is invoked for
'started', it runs to completion.
Strange. Do you see corresponding "Calling hook" messages in libvirtd
debug logs? (See
http://wiki.libvirt.org/page/DebugLogs for instructions
how to enable debug logs.)
I did notice the warning about talking to libvirt from the hooks.
However, if the script were to be invoked, I will only be writing the
modified xml to stdout. This is based on:
For migrate and restore calls, "the script acts as a filter and is
supposed to modify the domain XML and print it out on its standard
I am hoping the same method will work for prepare or start calls.
No, the hook only works as a filter for migrate and restore calls.
If there is a better way to update the VM's xml before it is
please let me know.
There is, just redefine the XML before starting the domain. There's no
way of doing this via hooks.