On 11/12/14 22:17, Eric Blake wrote:
On 11/12/2014 10:24 AM, Michal Privoznik wrote:
> Although, I see a way that we could get something reasonable
here. If
> qemu would tell us whenever somebody (dis-)connects (from)to the virtio
> channel. That way we could query the qemu-ga capabilities and make good
> decisions. And whenever we see a disconnect, we may just forget the
> qemu-ga capabilities and claim guest agent unresponsive (instead of this
> ping algorithm I'd came up with).
Yes, qemu now provides that, as of qemu 2.1. It is the VSERPORT_CHANGE
event that fires whenever the guest opens or closes its connection to
the channel. And yes, we have more than one reason why we should wire
up libvirt to track when that event happens - we ALSO have people
requesting that we expose the information to management apps as a
libvirt event.
I'm currently writing code to add this feature/event.