On 01/02/2013 09:43 AM, lei yang wrote:
1)I'm using guest as guest,I don't assgin address(disk or nic) to
guest,but it works well, any risk here?
No - libvirt intentionally allows you to omit address assignment when
first defining the guest, at which point libvirt will then fill in the
information for you, so that future uses of the guest will have an
assigned address.
2)I don't know how to set the address for guest, or just set a host
unused address to guest
The easiest way is to omit the guest assignment from your XML, and let
libvirt manage it. The guest view is completely independent from the
host view, so you don't need to worry about address collisions with the
Eric Blake eblake redhat com +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library