On Tue, Aug 09, 2011 at 03:28:50PM -0700, Yih-Herng Chuang wrote:
Seems like different libvirt versions generate a storage volume name in
different format. We would like to learn how libvirt names a storage
volume under a block based storage pool. So that we may properly extract
the LUN identifier out of the volume name for now and in the future.
On host A loaded with libvirt 0.8.7
# virsh vol-list SanPool1
Name Path
unit:0:0:11 /dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x600a0b800013071a000035ec4e32b832
This is the new naming scheme which we plan to stick with long
term. The key point of the naming scheme is that the name is
stable across reboots, and across login/logout of iSCSI targets.
On host B loaded with libvirt 0.8.1
# virsh vol-list SanPool1
Name Path
----------------------------------------- /dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x60080e500017e1d40000d0b74d873b13
This was the old method, which was broken, because we should not
have been including the HBA number in the name (the leading '1'
here). The HBA number changes every time you login to an iSCSI
target, or everytime an NPIV HBA is created, so it resulted in
an unstable name which changed frequently
http://berrange.com -o-
http://www.flickr.com/photos/dberrange/ :|
http://libvirt.org -o-
http://virt-manager.org :|
http://autobuild.org -o-
http://search.cpan.org/~danberr/ :|
http://entangle-photo.org -o-
http://live.gnome.org/gtk-vnc :|