On 10/23/2012 12:24 AM, p.venkatasrinivas(a)tcs.com wrote:
Hello. I noticed you sent your mail twice, once to libvir-list and once
here; as it is not about libvirt development, this is probably the
better list so I will only answer here.
I installed Libvirt. We need virtualbox support for libvirt. But we are
unable to see the vbox option in virt-manager. How we can find vbox
hypervisor driver?
Are you sure that the libvirt you installed was built with vbox support
compiled in?
And also we already compiled libvirt with vbox option.(--with-vbox). But
that didn't work. And also when we are creating the new virtual machine
through virt-manager we are getting the following error:
internal error cannot parse QEMU version number in ""
What command are you using when you get this message? Are you
specifying an explicit URI, such as 'virsh -c vbox:///... list'? This
particular message makes it sound like you forgot the -c argument, and
thus are using the default URI which happened to be qemu:///system
instead of your desired vbox connection.
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Eric Blake eblake(a)redhat.com +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library