i am doing a live migration like this:
[root@nodeA ~]#virsh migrate --copy-storage-all --verbose --live kvm1776
which works fine with libvirt version 6.
The zfs backed hdd is 100G, while its thin-provisioned.
The real data on it is 1G.
So even its 1G of data, virsh copies a lot of zero's as it seems.
There is a lot of HDD IO and network activity, but in fact the size at
the target volume does not grow ( since there are no more data ).
After it successfully finished the copy, i tried what will happen with
the --copy-storage-inc parameter:
[root@nodeB ~]# virsh migrate --copy-storage-inc --verbose --live
kvm1776 qemu+ssh://nodea/system
But that didnt change anything. Even both volumes are identical now,
again the whole copy of all ( non existing ) 100GB.
Is there any way to make libvirt just copy real data and not Zero's that
actually do not exist and causing network and HDD IO traffic ?
Thank you !
Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Best regards
Oliver Dzombic
Layer7 Networks
Layer7 Networks GmbH
Zum Sonnenberg 1-3
63571 Gelnhausen
HRB 96293 beim Amtsgericht Hanau
Geschäftsführung: Oliver Dzombic
UST ID: DE259845632