What configuration should be set in a custom compiled libvirt to get the most out of the
xen libxl?
[ -f Makefile ] || ./configure --prefix=/usr --libexec=/usr/lib/"$pkgname"
--sbindir=/usr/bin \ --with-storage-lvm=yes --with-udev=yes --without-hal --disable-static
\ --with-init-script=systemd --with-systemctl=yes --with-systemd-daemon=yes
\ --with-qemu-user=nobody --with-qemu-group=nobody \ --without-netcf --with-interface
--with-lxc --with-storage-iscsi \ --with-xen=yes --with-libxl=yes # --with-audit
After compiling what needs done to configure libvirt to work with xen libxl because all I
seem to be getting is:
error: failed to connect to the hypervisorerror: no connection driver available for
//libxl[dragon@archxen ~]$