On Fri, Nov 26, 2021 at 11:08 PM Michal Prívozník <mprivozn(a)redhat.com> wrote:
Since you are providing the path to both UEFI image and varstore you
drop this 'firmware="efi"' attribute. It's what's causing
troubles here.
Thank you, yes!
A short trip into not so distant past. UEFI was introduced to QEMU,
libvirt came up with <loader type="pflash>/path/to/uefi</loader> and
<nvram/> combo. This was suboptimal, because now users had to guess
which FW to select (because it depends on guest arch, secure boot
enabled, SMM mode, ...). So QEMU started shipping small, machine
readable files to each BIOS/UEFI image, which libvirt would parse and
pick the best one for given domain XML. And this is what firmware='efi'
controls. IOW, using firmware='efi' is incompatible with specifying
paths in <loader/> and <nvram/> and if you define this XML you'd see
that the paths are not formatted back (e.g. in virsh dumpxml).
Okay, yes this was unclear. It's not in the documentation afaict and I
saw some threads making it sound like it was the mere presence of the
JSON config files that made libvirt ignore any loader/nvram
configuration. But dropping the firmware attribute on the os element
was indeed the trick to get rid of the EFI error. Thanks for the