On 01/16/2013 12:20 AM, Varun Bhatnagar wrote:
Sorry for putting the images. Posting this question again.
I am trying to boot my node through network with the following
configuration (even with KVM it is not getting booted):
*< domain type='kvm'>*
* < name>Node-2-3</name>*
* < os>*
* < type>hvm</type>*
* < boot dev='network'/>*
* < boot dev='hd'/>*
* *
* < /os>*
* < memory>654321</memory> *
* < vcpu>1</vcpu>*
* *
* *
* < interface type='internal'>*
* < source name='test1'/>*
* < model type='am79c970a'/>*
* < mac address='20:00:00:0F:03:01'/>*
* < /interface>*
* < interface type='internal'>*
* < source name='test2'/>*
* < model type='am79c970a'/>*
* < mac address='20:00:00:0F:03:02'/>*
* < /interface>*
* <!--BRIDGE-->*
* < interface type='bridge'>*
* < source bridge='vboxtap0'/>*
* < mac address='20:00:00:0F:03:03'/>*
* < model type='am79c973'/>*
* < /interface>*
*< /domain>*
This domain definition makes no sense:
1) you have <boot dev='hd'/> listed, but not <disk> devices.
2) you have 2 <interface type='internal'> devices, which I've said
before is supported only for vbox domains.
3) all of your interfaces have <model type='am79x97x'/>, but those
devices are not supported by qemu/kvm.
If you want to try a qemu/kvm domain, you really should install
virt-manager and let it create the domain for you, that way you'll be
assured to have all the necessary pieces.
But I am getting an error message saying:
*Fatal: Could not read from the boot medium! System halted.*
You have no valid device that could be booted from.
Even my network setting is not getting reflected in the Virtualbox.
Can you suggest me what is wrong with this configuration. I think to
boot a node from network we need to define a boot server but where
shall I add that, I am confused....
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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