On 12/16/2013 08:53 AM, Joaquim Barrera wrote:
[please don't top-post on technical lists]
Excuse me for the duplicate anwer but I observed exactly what I was
telling you. I execute "sudo ./run tools/virsh" and then:
If you are running virsh as sudo, then you must remember that virsh is
running under root, not you.
'connect qemu+ssh://user@IP_ADDRESS:PORT/system' and it asks me the
password. Everything goes right.
Yes, for a single connection, remote password authentication over
qemu+ssh works.
'migrate --verbose --persistent --copy-storage-inc VM1
qemu+ssh://user@IP_ADDRESS:PORT/system' and it asks me the password, but
never gets it right. I allways get to the third attempt and get rejected.
That's because the qemu+ssh URI has an inherent design limitation that
it can only validate a single connection, but migration requires two
connections. You can try qemu+libssh:// URIs instead, which is supposed
to resolve the authentication issues by using libssh within virsh
instead of an external call to ssh(1) (although I haven't tried it
myself). Or you can set up passwordless login over ssh (such as by
using ssh-copy-id) - but remember that you must set it up so that root
can access user@IP_ADDRESS:PORT (since 'sudo virsh' is running as root,
not you).
Eric Blake eblake redhat com +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library