On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 02:49:13AM -0400, Jincheng Miao wrote:
http://libvirt.org/formatdomain.html#elementsTime , we could find
there are
three attributes of catchup tickpolicy: limit, threshold and slew.
The catchup element has three optional attributes, each a positive integer.
The attributes are threshold, slew, and limit.
The xml format likes:
<clock offset='utc'>
<timer name='rtc' tickpolicy='catchup'>
<catchup slew='123'/> or <catchup threshold='123'/> or
<catchup limit='123'/>
But there is no further explanation.
Does anyone know what's the meaning of these attributes ?
What an interesting question. At first I thought the meanings are the
same as in ntpd(1) and other time-synchonizing apps. But then I
looked into the code to see what we're passing to hypervisors and it
seems like since 2010, when this was added, these values were never
[Cc-ing Laine as he is the author of commit 8bf6799b]
I can't be sure though. Laine, do you recall any usage of these