I'm trying to create a snapshot on a specific disk by using diskspec
option. However, libvirt/virsh seems to ignore it and takes a snapshot of
all disks. Am I using this option incorrectly?
In below examples, I'm trying to snapshot only vdb. However even vda is
getting snapshotted regardless of diskspec. Is this a known issue?
I'm on CentOS 7.1, libvirtd (libvirt) 1.2.8, virsh 1.2.8
[root@localhost scripts]# virsh domblklist centos_nfs
Target Source
vda /var/lib/libvirt/images/centos_nfs.SNAP_2015-08-07-081800
vdb /var/lib/libvirt/images/centos_nfs_storage.SNAP_2015-08-07-081800
hdc -
[root@localhost scripts]# virsh snapshot-create-as --domain centos_nfs
--name SNAP_2015-08-07-090909 --no-metadata --disk-only --atomic --diskspec
Domain snapshot SNAP_2015-08-07-090909 created
[root@localhost scripts]# virsh domblklist centos_nfs
Target Source
vda /var/lib/libvirt/images/centos_nfs.SNAP_2015-08-07-090909
vdb /var/lib/libvirt/images/centos_nfs_storage.SNAP_2015-08-07-090909
hdc -
[root@localhost scripts]# virsh snapshot-create-as --domain centos_nfs
--name SNAP_2015-08-07-101010 --no-metadata --disk-only --atomic --diskspec
Domain snapshot SNAP_2015-08-07-101010 created
[root@localhost scripts]# virsh domblklist centos_nfs
Target Source
vda /var/lib/libvirt/images/centos_nfs.SNAP_2015-08-07-101010
vdb /var/lib/libvirt/images/centos_nfs_storage.SNAP_2015-08-07-101010
hdc -