On 02/12/2014 10:07 AM, John Obaterspok wrote:
I've setup a VM with default networking (NAT) and this works fine but
hosts on my LAN can't get to the VM since it uses NAT.
When I try to set network to use MacVTap with either default or
bridged I get no networking for the VM.
Any hints around this? I would like to have the VM's on the same LAN
as my host and other machines. I don't care if the VM host can't reach
the guests.
It did work find in F19 but there I believe I had more MacVtap devices
to choose from.
I am using macvtap on F20 with no problems. Which device are you
selecting to connect the macvtap device to? You should use the physical
device that your host uses for network communication. Please send the
<interface> section of the output of "virsh $guestname dumpxml" (where
$guestname is, of course, the name of the guest with non-working