On 04.08.2016 20:28, Jonatan Schlag wrote:
> Then the other option that comes to my mind is a race with
somebody else
> on the system. You can attach gdb to the daemon and set breakpoint to
> virSecurityDACSetOwnershipInternal(). In the arguments you should see
> the path eventually among with uid:gid.
> BTW: what's the domain XML?
What did you need the xml file the domain is called test and the image
file is /data/hdd1/libvirt/images/test.img
Well, in the domain XML. there's <seclabel/> section in the domain XML
that can fine tune relabelling for a domain. Moreover, some devices -
like disks have the <seclabel/> too. And I was wondering whether you
don't have those elements in the XML.
The other reason for me asking domain XML is so that I could try to
reproduce locally on my system.
I did together with Michael Tremer some debugging and Michael posted our
results in the bugtracker. So it seems that the chown function is not
executed, because a other function return a wrong value.
Ah, reading the bz transcript, you are not passing the path directly
into the XML rather than use a volume from a storage pool. This is
supported but the previous case is more tested. Again, this would help
me to narrow down the possible causes.
Maybe the describtion in the bug report hepls to go furhter, when not
say what you need (logs) to debug the problem.
Maybe I'm misreading this, but I think I've told you what I need to
debug the problem. Moreover, it's usually better to provide as many
information as possible when debugging a problem. Even a tiny little
thing that user think of as trivial may look crucial in eyes of
experienced developer with insight in the project.
Anyway, I'd like to continue the discussion in the BZ.