On 07/06/2014 11:00 AM, Restituto Marcus Arevalo wrote:
Is it possible to get the CPU usage of a guest through a virsh command? I have tried
almost all the commands (vcpuinfo, cpu-stats, etc.) that gets the details of a guest cpu,
but it only returns the cpu time. Is there any command that returns the cpu usage (just
like the graph that virt-manager displays) of a guest? Or do I have to create a program
using libvirt API? Thanks in advance.
virsh is just a thin wrapper around the libvirt API, but has some severe
overheads due to shell scripting being expensive on spawning so many
processes and having to reconnect on every new virsh invocation. Batch
mode helps some, but I don't know that you can set up batch mode to do
periodic polling. If you care at all about efficiency, you'll want to
write your own program rather than using virsh.
If you want to see how virt-manager calculates CPU usage, use the
Alas, I'm not familiar enough with python in general or with
virt-manager in particular to point you to a specific file within that
Eric Blake eblake redhat com +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library