Hello group.
This is my first post here so first of all I'd like to greet everybody reading this
Secondly, I have a problem with libvirt used from a perl script. I would like to undefine
a domain and afterwards delete the volume that had been attached to the domain as a disk.
The volume is a qcow2 file and is placed in a 'dir' type pool. I succeed in
undefining the domain but trying to delete a volume using $vol->delete() crashes the
libvirtd. The script catches an exception:
libvirt error code: 38, message: server closed connection
and the init process echoes an entry to the log:
init: libvirt-bin main process (6999) killed by ABRT signal
When I try to list volumes afterwards using virsh, I see that not only the volume, but
also the pool are missing. Moreover the pool that holds a backing storage for the qcow2
file is also missing. It seems that the delete operation actualy succeeds because the file
gets deleted from disk as well. Fortunately the backing storage file is still present on
the disk although its pool in virsh disappears.
Has anybody come across a similar problem before? Any help is highly appreciated.
Best regards
Bogdan Katynski