On 01/16/2013 04:28 AM, Varun Bhatnagar wrote:
Earlier I was having libvirt-0.7.5 but now I have installed 0.9.8 version
of libvirt now.
Is this a pre-built distro version (if so, you might want to ask your
distro for help) or from an upstream tarball (if so, why not upgrade all
the way to libvirt 1.0.1? There may have been a fix for this issue in
the meantime). Remember, libvirt strives for backward-compatibility,
so you can always drop in a newer libvirt where an older one used to work.
2013-01-16 16:43:53.406+0000: 4070: warning :
networkAddGeneralIptablesRules:1260 : May need to update iptables package
& kernel to support CHECKSUM rule.
This warning is worth heeding, but not mandatory to fix.
2013-01-16 16:43:54.704+0000: 4070: error : umlStartup:471 : cannot
initialize inotify
This, on the other hand, is the reason that libvirtd is not starting.
Are you actually using uml? If not, it may be easiest to rerun
./configure, but this time pass --without-uml, to disable this code. If
you are, then you'll probably have to step through the initialization
under gdb to see why inotify isn't working.
and I am also trying to connect to VMPlayer with the following URL
but it
is giving the following error message:
virsh # connect vmplayer:///session
error: Failed to connect to the hypervisor
error: Failed to connect socket to
'/usr/local/var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock': No such file or directory
Yes, this error is expected when libvirtd fails to run.
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Libvirt virtualization library