Simple volume definition:
<volume type='file'>
<capacity unit='GiB'>20</capacity>
<format type='qcow2'/>
# virsh vol-create --pool libvirt-ssd0 --file
tem-vol.xml --validate
error: Failed to create vol from vm-files/tstlog01/tstlog01-system-vol.xml
error: unsupported flags (0x4) in function virStorageVolDefParseXML
Omitting --validate creates volume
# virsh vol-dumpxml --pool libvirt-ssd0 --vol tstlog01-system
<volume type='file'>
<capacity unit='bytes'>21474836480</capacity>
<allocation unit='bytes'>200704</allocation>
<physical unit='bytes'>196928</physical>
<format type='qcow2'/>
# file /var/lib/libvirt/images/tstlog01-system
/var/lib/libvirt/images/tstlog01-system: QEMU QCOW2 Image (v2),
21474836480 bytes
# virsh vol-create-as libvirt-ssd0 tstlog01-system 20g --format qcow2
Vol tstlog01-system created
# virsh vol-dumpxml --pool libvirt-ssd0 --vol tstlog01-system
<volume type='file'>
<capacity unit='bytes'>21474836480</capacity>
<allocation unit='bytes'>200704</allocation>
<physical unit='bytes'>196928</physical>
<format type='qcow2'/>
It seems both volumes are identical - the one created without
--validate and the one created with vol-create-as.
1) Why does validation fail? How to debug it?
2) Why doesn't libvirt create qcow2 v3 even when specifying compat
1.1? When creating an image using virt-manager on the same libvirt
hypervisor host, v3 images are created.
Alma Linux 9.4, libvirt-10.0.0-6.7.el9_4.alma.1.x86_64,
With best regards,