Hi Everyone:
I am trying to create a volume using the vol-create-as command but it
fails with an "Operation not permitted" error. It appears to be caused
by an attempt to run chown on an NFS mounted file system but I have set
dynamic_ownership to 0 in /etc/qemu.conf.
Is it possible to disable the chown operation? If not, is there a guide
that describes how to create storage pools on NFS filers? I have read
http://libvirt.org/storage.html but there was no discussion of to work
around this problem.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here is the command and error message:
$ virsh vol-create-as default webtst 10G
error: Failed to create vol webtst
error: cannot create path '/var/lib/libvirt/images/webtst': Operation
not permitted
The /var/lib/libvirt/images is linked to a common filer:
/shared/vm/images. The permissions on the directory are 0777.
When I looked at tail /var/log/libvirt/libvirtd.log it showed that the
problem was occurring because a chown command:
2012-11-05 02:55:44.841+0000: 26384: info : libvirt version: 0.9.10,
package: 21.el6_3.5 (CentOS BuildSystem <
2012-11-05 02:55:44.841+0000: 26384: error :
virFileOpenForceOwnerMode:796 : cannot chown
'/var/lib/libvirt/images/webtst' to (0, 0): Operation not permitted
2012-11-05 02:55:44.841+0000: 26384: error :
virStorageBackendCreateRaw:401 : cannot create path
'/var/lib/libvirt/images/webtst': Operation not permitted