On Wed, Nov 25, 2015 at 04:17:47PM -0500, Ken D'Ambrosio wrote:
Sadly, I'm back with another issue. I can do a "system list
just fine; however, if I attempt to start the machines, I get back:
maas@Bill-MAAS-cc:~$ strace -s 1024 -f -o /tmp/asdfasdf.log virsh -c
vbox+ssh://gbadmin@ start PXE-client-07
error: Failed to start domain PXE-client-07
error: An error occurred, but the cause is unknown
This means there was an error (some function returned -1), but the
error message was not set. Could you capture the backtrace when this
happens? It's hard to find the exact point, but going function and
checking what returns -1 should do.
Log files on both client and server are pretty sparse on details of
any sort... as, again, is Google. Any ideas?
It culd be visible from the logs as well, but not without the code
opened in another window to see where we forgot to set the error
Thanks yet again,
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