On Fri, Mar 27, 2020 at 12:31:07PM +0100, Miguel Duarte de Mora Barroso wrote:
I've seen that in the past, libvirt couldn't start VMs when the disk
image was stored on a file system that doesn't support direct I/O
having the 'cache=none' configuration [0].
On the KubeVirt project, we have some storage tests on a particular
provider which does just that - try to create / start a VM whose disk
is on tmpfs and whose definition features 'cache=none'.
The behavior we're seeing is that libvirt throws this warning:
Unexpected Warning event received:
server error. command SyncVMI failed: "LibvirtError(Code=1, Domain=10,
Message='internal error: process exited while connecting to monitor:
2020-03-25T10:09:21.656238Z qemu-kvm: -drive
file system may not support O_DIRECT\n2020-03-25T10:09:21.656391Z
qemu-kvm: -drive
Could not open backing file: Could not open
'/var/run/kubevirt-private/vmi-disks/disk0/disk.img': Invalid
But actually proceeds, and is able to start the VM - but seems it
coerces the cache value to writeThrough.
Are you sure it is really continuing to start the VM - those log messages
strongly suggest that is not the case.
"internal error: process exited while connecting to monitor:"
means libvirt lost its connection to the QMP monitor, which means QEMU
has shutdown.
Similarly the error message about being unable to open the disk is
something that QEMU treats as a fatal error AFAIK.
Is this the expected behavior ? e.g. cache = none can't be used
the disk images are on a tmpfs file system ? I know it was, not sure
about now (libvirt-5.6.0-7) ...
Yes, cache=none is incompatible with tmpfs, so you'll need to pick
a different cache setting.
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