[libvirt-users] virt-install errors and help sought
by Narahari Lakshminarayana
I need some help and guidance from you regarding this virt-install issue I
am seeing.
OS : SuseEnterpriseLinuxServer (SLES) 12 Service Pack 1
virt-install version on the box
virtual@SLES12-bare:~> virt-install --version
libvirt version : libvirt-1.3.4-565.1.x86_64
What I tried:
I tried to start virt-install as regular user and I am seeing errors listed
If I start the same with sudo it works (the user virtual shown here is a
sudo enabled user)
I really want to start the virt-install as a regular user.
Please help.
virtual@SLES12-bare:~> virt-install --connect qemu:///session -n SLES12_SP1
--memory 4096 --vcpus 2 --cdrom
/data/ADP_x86_64_SLES12SP1.x86_64-12.1.6.preload.iso --graphics spice
--disk /data/kvm_images/SLES12_SP1.img
WARNING Graphics requested but DISPLAY is not set. Not running virt-viewer.
WARNING No console to launch for the guest, defaulting to --wait -1
Starting install...
ERROR Failed to connect socket to '/run/user/500/libvirt/virtlogd-sock':
No such file or directory
Domain installation does not appear to have been successful.
If it was, you can restart your domain by running:
virsh --connect qemu:///session start SLES12_SP1
otherwise, please restart your installation.
Thank You for your time and attention.
8 years, 9 months
[libvirt-users] Dump network traffic from each VM.
by Julio Faracco
Hi guys,
Does anybody know how to dump the network trafic from each virtual
machine using libvirt?
Here, we usually use VPN softwares and other network tools inside
Virtual Machines (Windows and Linux). Sometimes, this applications
does not work properly, so we need to dump the network traffic of each
Virtual Machine to compare and debug.
How can I enable it using libvirt? I know that if you use a QEMU
instance, you can enable the dump using "-netdev dump,...".
Thanks! :-)
Julio Cesar Faracco
8 years, 9 months
[libvirt-users] Need help for block committing
by Zhang Qiang
Hi all.
Can snapshots of identical images being blocked committed to the base
images that are not the original ones? For example, suppose I have base0
and made a snapshot of it called SN0, then I copy base0 as base0', can SN0
be block committed into base0'?
I think it's possible in theory but the block commit command just takes vm,
base, and top as parameters, since the snapshot file is taken from another
image I don't think I can use this command to do what I want. Or can I use
qemu-img to do this?
8 years, 9 months
[libvirt-users] host freeze when starting VM
by Alexander Petrenz
Hi together,
when I´m starting a VM my host freezes gradually. This seems to happen
because its running out of memory and no other process is able to do
I have 16GB of ram in total. 8GB are reserved for hugepages. So for the
daily business on the host I have 8GB left. I don´t run many or
extraordinary consuming software on the host - normally just a gnome
session and the chromium browser. Right now htop tells me that 10.1 of 15.4
GB are occupied, so that should be about 2GB, because I suppose 8GB are
just reserved for the hugepages. I don´t have any swap space.
In my latest attempt I gave a newly created VM 64MB of ram and this also
brought the system down to its knees. So I would like to understand why
this is happening. Is it some configuration issue I'm not aware of or maybe
even some bug? Can someone give any idea on this?
Thanks in advance
8 years, 9 months
[libvirt-users] Questions about CMT event statistic
by Fangge Jin
I'm testing cmt event of libvirt, and I have two questions. I will be very grateful if someone can give me some help.
Q1:"virsh domstats --perf" and linux perf tool has different result.
I have a guest with cmt event enabled, start guest and get perf statistic every 1s:
# while true; do virsh domstats rhel7.2-1030 --perf; sleep 1; done
In the meanwhile, I use perf tool to get the llc_occupancy of qemu-kvm process:
# pidof qemu-kvm
# perf stat -a -e intel_cqm/llc_occupancy/ -I 1000 -p 16779 sleep 100
And I compare the output of the above two commands, and find that they're so different:
The output of "virsh domstats" The output of "perf" tool
perf.cache=15753216 49152 Bytes
perf.cache=14499840 11526144 Bytes
perf.cache=14499840 11599872 Bytes
perf.cache=14499840 11599872 Bytes
perf.cache=14499840 11599872 Bytes
perf.cache=14499840 11599872 Bytes
perf.cache=14499840 11599872 Bytes
perf.cache=14499840 11599872 Bytes
perf.cache=8380416 11649024 Bytes
perf.cache=8380416 11649024 Bytes
perf.cache=8380416 11821056 Bytes
perf.cache=8380416 11845632 Bytes
perf.cache=8380416 11845632 Bytes
perf.cache=8380416 11845632 Bytes
perf.cache=8380416 11845632 Bytes
perf.cache=8380416 11845632 Bytes
perf.cache=8380416 11845632 Bytes
perf.cache=8380416 11845632 Bytes
perf.cache=8380416 11845632 Bytes
perf.cache=8380416 11845632 Bytes
perf.cache=8380416 11870208 Bytes
perf.cache=8380416 11870208 Bytes
perf.cache=8380416 11845632 Bytes
... ...
I don't know if it's appropriate to do this comparison, but I'm still curious why they get different results.
Q2:Disable&enable cmt at runtime, then "virsh domstats" will output perf.cache=0
# virsh perf rhel7.2-1030 --disable cmt
# virsh perf rhel7.2-1030 --enable cmt
# virsh domstats rhel7.2-1030 --perf
Domain: 'rhel7.2-1030'
Watch the output for more than two minutes, it's 0 all the time:
# watch virsh domstats rhel7.2-1030 --perf
Every 2.0s: virsh domstats rhel7.2-1030 --perf Wed Apr 27 17:36:01 2016
Domain: 'rhel7.2-1030'
Fangge Jin
8 years, 9 months
[libvirt-users] virt-manager and the alternatives
by Narahari Lakshminarayana
I am new to this and don't flame me yet. Here is what I am facing.
I installed libvirt stuff and then I run virt-manager to create a vm.
When I run the virt-manager I am seeing issue
Namespace GtkVnc not available for version 2.0
How do I interact with the console screen so I can hit Enter key and do
<ALT + F2> etc., ?
Is virt-manager my only choice ?
How to use VNC to connect to the virt-manager screen, not the VM's console ?
Can I create VM with virsh and then set vnc for that and connect to that
with VNC ?
8 years, 9 months
[libvirt-users] CfP 11th Workshop on Virtualization in High-Performance Cloud Computing (VHPC '16) (deadline extended May 20th)
by VHPC 16
CfP 11th Workshop on Virtualization in High-Performance Cloud
Computing (VHPC '16)
11th Workshop on Virtualization in High-Performance Cloud Computing
(VHPC '16) held in conjunction with the International Supercomputing
Conference - High Performance (ISC), June 19-23, 2016, Frankfurt,
Date: June 23, 2016
Workshop URL: http://vhpc.org
Paper Submission Deadline: May 20th (extended)
Call for Papers
Virtualization technologies constitute a key enabling factor for
flexible resource management in modern data centers, and particularly
in cloud environments. Cloud providers need to manage complex
infrastructures in a seamless fashion to support the highly dynamic
and heterogeneous workloads and hosted applications customers deploy.
Similarly, HPC environments have been increasingly adopting techniques
that enable flexible management of vast computing and networking
resources, close to marginal provisioning cost, which is unprecedented
in the history of scientific and commercial computing.
Various virtualization technologies contribute to the overall picture
in different ways: machine virtualization, with its capability to
enable consolidation of multiple underutilized servers with
heterogeneous software and operating systems (OSes), and its
capability to live-migrate a fully operating virtual machine (VM)
with a very short downtime, enables novel and dynamic ways to manage
physical servers; OS-level virtualization (i.e., containerization),
with its capability to isolate multiple user-space environments and
to allow for their coexistence within the same OS kernel, promises to
provide many of the advantages of machine virtualization with high
levels of responsiveness and performance; I/O Virtualization allows
physical NICs/HBAs to take traffic from multiple VMs or containers;
network virtualization, with its capability to create logical network
overlays that are independent of the underlying physical topology and
IP addressing, provides the fundamental ground on top of which evolved
network services can be realized with an unprecedented level of
dynamicity and flexibility; the increasingly adopted paradigm of
Software-Defined Networking (SDN) promises to extend this flexibility
to the control and data planes of network paths.
Topics of Interest
The VHPC program committee solicits original, high-quality submissions
related to virtualization across the entire software stack with a
special focus on the intersection of HPC and the cloud. Topics
include, but are not limited to:
- Virtualization in supercomputing environments, HPC clusters, cloud
HPC and grids
- OS-level virtualization including container runtimes (Docker, rkt et
- Lightweight compute node operating systems/VMMs
- Optimizations of virtual machine monitor platforms, hypervisors
- QoS and SLA in hypervisors and network virtualization
- Cloud based network and system management for SDN and NFV
- Management, deployment and monitoring of virtualized environments
- Virtual per job / on-demand clusters and cloud bursting
- Performance measurement, modelling and monitoring of
virtualized/cloud workloads
- Programming models for virtualized environments
- Virtualization in data intensive computing and Big Data processing
- Cloud reliability, fault-tolerance, high-availability and security
- Heterogeneous virtualized environments, virtualized accelerators,
GPUs and co-processors
- Optimized communication libraries/protocols in the cloud and for HPC
in the cloud
- Topology management and optimization for distributed virtualized applications
- Adaptation of emerging HPC technologies (high performance networks,
RDMA, etc..)
- I/O and storage virtualization, virtualization aware file systems
- Job scheduling/control/policy in virtualized environments
- Checkpointing and migration of VM-based large compute jobs
- Cloud frameworks and APIs
- Energy-efficient / power-aware virtualization
The Workshop on Virtualization in High-Performance Cloud Computing
(VHPC) aims to bring together researchers and industrial practitioners
facing the challenges posed by virtualization in order to foster
discussion, collaboration, mutual exchange of knowledge and
experience, enabling research to ultimately provide novel solutions
for virtualized computing systems of tomorrow.
The workshop will be one day in length, composed of 20 min paper
presentations, each followed by 10 min discussion sections, plus
lightning talks that are limited to 5 minutes. Presentations may be
accompanied by interactive demonstrations.
Important Dates
May 20, 2016 - Paper submission deadline
May 30, 2016 Acceptance notification
June 23, 2016 - Workshop Day
July 25, 2016 - Camera-ready version due
Michael Alexander (chair), TU Wien, Austria
Anastassios Nanos (co-chair), NTUA, Greece
Balazs Gerofi (co-chair), RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational
Science, Japan
Program committee
Stergios Anastasiadis, University of Ioannina, Greece
Costas Bekas, IBM Research, Switzerland
Jakob Blomer, CERN
Ron Brightwell, Sandia National Laboratories, USA
Roberto Canonico, University of Napoli Federico II, Italy
Julian Chesterfield, OnApp, UK
Stephen Crago, USC ISI, USA
Christoffer Dall, Columbia University, USA
Patrick Dreher, MIT, USA
Robert Futrick, Cycle Computing, USA
Robert Gardner, University of Chicago, USA
William Gardner, University of Guelph, Canada
Wolfgang Gentzsch, UberCloud, USA
Kyle Hale, Northwestern University, USA
Marcus Hardt, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Krishna Kant, Templte University, USA
Romeo Kinzler, IBM, Switzerland
Brian Kocoloski, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Kornilios Kourtis, IBM Research, Switzerland
Nectarios Koziris, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
John Lange, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Nikos Parlavantzas, IRISA, France
Kevin Pendretti, Sandia National Laboratories, USA
Che-Rung Roger Lee, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Giuseppe Lettieri, University of Pisa, Italy
Qing Liu, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
Paul Mundt, Adaptant, Germany
Amer Qouneh, University of Florida, USA
Carlos Reaño, Technical University of Valencia, Spain
Seetharami Seelam, IBM Research, USA
Josh Simons, VMWare, USA
Borja Sotomayor, University of Chicago, USA
Dieter Suess, TU Wien, Austria
Craig Stewart, Indiana University, USA
Anata Tiwari, San Diego Supercomputer Center, USA
Kurt Tutschku, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden
Amit Vadudevan, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Yasuhiro Watashiba, Osaka University, Japan
Nicholas Wright, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
Chao-Tung Yang, Tunghai University, Taiwan
Gianluigi Zanetti, CRS4, Italy
Paper Submission-Publication
Papers submitted to the workshop will be reviewed by at least two
members of the program committee and external reviewers. Submissions
should include abstract, key words, the e-mail address of the
corresponding author, and must not exceed 10 pages, including tables
and figures at a main font size no smaller than 11 point. Submission
of a paper should be regarded as a commitment that, should the paper
be accepted, at least one of the authors will register and attend the
conference to present the work.
The format must be according to the Springer LNCS Style. Initial
submissions are in PDF; authors of accepted papers will be requested
to provide source files.
Format Guidelines:
Abstract, Paper Submission Link:
Lightning Talks
Lightning Talks are non-paper track, synoptical in nature and are
strictly limited to 5 minutes. They can be used to gain early
feedback on ongoing research, for demonstrations, to present research
results, early research ideas, perspectives and positions of interest
to the community. Submit abstract via the main submission link.
General Information
The workshop is one day in length and will be held in conjunction with
the International Supercomputing Conference - High Performance (ISC)
2016, June 19-23, Frankfurt, Germany.
8 years, 9 months
[libvirt-users] [libvirt] Creating a storage volume for raw format file
by Paul Carlton
I'm trying to create a volume in an existing storage pool using python
by calling createXML() on the pool object.
If the file that is the subject of the new volume exists you get and
error, also if it doesn't exist
I worked out that specifying
<path>path to copy of file</path>
works, seemingly by copying the 'source' file to the intended location
of the volume file
However I am concerned about the overhead of copying the file, is there
a way to tell it to move the file (i.e. rename)
Paul Carlton
Software Engineer
Cloud Services
Hewlett Packard
Longdown Avenue
Stoke Gifford
Bristol BS34 8QZ
Mobile: +44 (0)7768 994283
Email: mailto:paul.carlton2@hpe.com
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8 years, 9 months
[libvirt-users] [Ceph] blockInfo cannot work with network type disk
by ZhiQiang Fan
Hi devs & users,
The Telemetry service of OpenStack, project code name Ceilometer, is using
libvirt.domain.blockInfo() to get disk's physical, allocation and capacity
information [1]. However, when disk is network type with protocol ceph, the
blockInfo() always fail with: libvirtError: internal error: missing storage
backend for network files using rbd protocol. [2]
After reading some libvirt code, I think it might due to blockInfo() always
assume disk is file backend [3], and file backend doesn't support network
type [4].
I want to know if such limitation is by design?
- If yes, then how should I get the network type disk's physical,
allocation and capacity info?
- If not, is there any plan to implement it?
[2] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ceilometer/+bug/1457440
8 years, 9 months