[libvirt-users] converted VMDK disk iamge and Virtio driver
by Paul Raines
I have a CentOS 5 VM in vmware I wanted to move to work on KVM/libvirt. I used
qemu-img to convert it to a qcow2 image, loaded virt-manager and created a new
VM pointed at that qcow2 image. The boot paniced when it tried to mount
the root filesystem also complaining about not being able to remount the
swap partition.
I played around and was able to get it to boot by changing the Virtual disk
bus to IDE from Virtio. Searched about Virtio and I got to
http://wiki.libvirt.org/page/Virtio and ran the mkinitrd mentioned to force
loading of the virtio_pci and virtio_blk drivers. But upon shutting down,
configuring the bus back to Virtio and booting it panics in the exact same
I tried again after adding virtio_blk into /etc/modprobe.conf as
scsi_hostadapter and rerunning mkinitrd but it still fails.
Any clues what I am missing?
Paul Raines http://help.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
MGH/MIT/HMS Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging
149 (2301) 13th Street Charlestown, MA 02129 USA
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10 years, 8 months
[libvirt-users] bridge could not be initialized
by abhishek jain
I'm trying to run VM using libvirt.xml file and getting following error...
virsh start instance-00000003
error: Failed to start domain instance-00000003
error: internal error Process exited while reading console log output:
failed to launch bridge helper
kvm: -netdev bridge,br=qbr1f2191ce-38,id=hostnet0: Device 'bridge' could
not be initialized
Below is the libvirt.xml file..
domain type="kvm">
<cmdline>root=/dev/vda console=tty0 console=ttyS0</cmdline>
<clock offset="utc">
<timer name="pit" tickpolicy="delay"/>
<timer name="rtc" tickpolicy="catchup"/>
<disk type="file" device="disk">
<driver name="qemu" type="qcow2" cache="none"/>
<target bus="virtio" dev="vda"/>
<interface type="bridge">
<mac address="fa:16:3e:26:55:ff"/>
<model type="virtio"/>
<source bridge="qbr1f2191ce-38"/>
<target dev="tap1f2191ce-38"/>
<filterref filter="nova-instance-instance-00000003-fa163e2655ff"/>
<serial type="file">
<serial type="pty"/>
Please help regarding this.
Abhishek Jain
10 years, 8 months
[libvirt-users] dumpxml removes <source> portion from network descritiption
by Thomas Stein
I have a strange error with one of my VMs. If i use dumpxml to save a VM
description the source part of the network part is missing. This prevents
redifining the machine from the dumped xml file:
This is how it looks before dumpxml:
<interface type='bridge'>
<mac address='52:54:00:34:a1:56'/>
<source bridge='br406'/>
<model type='virtio'/>
<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x03'
And afterwards:
<interface type='bridge'>
<mac address='52:54:00:34:a1:56'/>
<target dev='vnet6'/>
<model type='virtio'/>
<alias name='net0'/>
<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x03'
Someone has an idea whats causing this? Is there a special option maybe?
thanks and best regards
10 years, 8 months
[libvirt-users] Use keepalive to monitor health of qemu-kvm process
by Abhijeet Rastogi
Hi everyone,
I've had instances where qemu-kvm process dies and become a zombie. At
that state, libvirtd reports the instance to be running and I can't
restart the VM because libvirtd fails to kill the qemu-kvm process.
Finding the root cause of that is a topic for another day.
I also see this line in logs:
Jun 15 13:36:57 d12566 libvirtd: 10424: warning :
virKeepAliveTimerInternal:156 : No response from client 0x1600420
after 5 keepalive messages in 31 seconds
Is it possible to monitor the keepAlive thing via command-line ? (as a
nagios check). I know that I can poll for that line in the logs but is
there a better way? I couldn't find any option in virsh to do a
KeepAlive check.
Abhijeet Rastogi (shadyabhi)
10 years, 8 months
[libvirt-users] Live migrate failure
by Tuân Tạ Bá
Hi everyone,
I use KVM on Openstack Cloud. And KVM migrated successfull, but not ping.
*Source Host SIDE: *"/var/log/libvirt/libvirtd.log"
2014-06-16 05:15:50.599+0000: 2096: warning :
qemuMigrationCancelDriveMirror:1383 : Unable to stop block job on
2014-06-16 05:15:50.601+0000: 2096: *warning :
qemuMigrationCancelDriveMirror:1383 : Unable to stop block job on
*2014-06-16 05:15:50.651+0000: 2096: error : virCommandWait:2348 : internal
error: Child process (ovs-vsctl --timeout=5 get Interface tap6977e4a1-cd
external_ids:PortData) unexpected exit status 1: ovs-vsctl: no key
"PortData" in Interface record "tap6977e4a1-cd" column external_ids*
2014-06-16 05:15:50.651+0000: 2096: error :
virNetDevOpenvswitchGetMigrateData:219 : Unable to run command to get OVS
port data for interface tap6977e4a1-cd: Operation not permitted
2014-06-16 05:15:50.651+0000: 2096: error :
qemuMigrationCookieNetworkAlloc:367 : Unable to run command to get OVS port
data for interface tap6977e4a1-cd: Operation not permitted
2014-06-16 05:15:50.651+0000: 2096: warning : qemuMigrationRun:3262 :
Unable to encode migration cookie
2014-06-16 05:15:53.321+0000: 2096: warning : virAuditSend:135 : Failed to
send audit message virt=kvm op=stop reason=migrated vm="instance-0001b37c"
uuid=631ac4c7-8e84-4cf6-ad98-93877cdbe1bd vm-pid=-1: Operation not permitted
*Destination Host SIDE:* "/var/log/libvirt/libvirtd.log"
2014-06-16 05:15:41.419+0000: 2229: warning : virAuditSend:135 : Failed to
send audit message virt=kvm resrc=cgroup reason=allow vm="instance-000
1b37c" uuid=631ac4c7-8e84-4cf6-ad98-93877cdbe1bd
class=major category=pty
maj=88 acl=rw: Operation not permitted
2014-06-16 05:15:41.620+0000: 2229: warning :
qemuDomainObjEnterMonitorInternal:1175 : This thread seems to be the async
job owner; entering moni
tor without asking for a nested job is dangerous
2014-06-16 05:15:43.552+0000: 2229: warning : virAuditSend:135 : Failed to
send audit message virt=kvm resrc=vcpu reason=start vm="instance-0001b
37c" uuid=631ac4c7-8e84-4cf6-ad98-93877cdbe1bd old-vcpu=0 new-vcpu=2:
Operation not permitted
2014-06-16 05:15:43.552+0000: 2229: warning : virAuditSend:135 :* Failed to
send audit message *virt=kvm op=start reason=migrated vm="instance-0001
b37c" uuid=631ac4c7-8e84-4cf6-ad98-93877cdbe1bd vm-pid=21063:* Operation
not permitted*
1) I'm using libvirt version 1.1.1,
libvirt-bin 1.1.1-0ubuntu8.5~cloud0
libvirt0 1.1.1-0ubuntu8.5~cloud0
python-libvirt 1.1.1-0ubuntu8.5~cloud0
2) #cat /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf
user = "root"
group = "root"
I searched GOOGLE, René speaks "downgrading to libvirt 1.1.0 and
reinstalling everything. They will ok". But I don't think that.
How to resolve this error?.
Thanks all!
10 years, 8 months
[libvirt-users] Libvirt 1.2.5/Qemu woes
by andy zerger
Hi all -
I'm dealing with a libvirt 1.2.5 and Qemu-1.7.1 also Qemu-2.0 (all source
compile,) which somehow isn't seeing any hypervisors when connected to via
I'm sure I must be doing something wrong but cannot figure out what. My
basic config and current state here in pastebin:
Thanks for any input, this has been baffling.
Best Regards,
10 years, 8 months
[libvirt-users] Fedora 19/20 new install :Unable to create vcpu cgroup
by Patrick Chemla
After full new install of Fedora 19 or 20, I am getting this when I want
to create a new VMs.
Impossible de terminer l'installation : « Unable to create vcpu cgroup
for fedora20(vcpu: 0): Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type »
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/share/virt-manager/virtManager/asyncjob.py", line 91, in
callback(asyncjob, *args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/share/virt-manager/virtManager/create.py", line 1787, in
File "/usr/share/virt-manager/virtinst/guest.py", line 403, in start_install
File "/usr/share/virt-manager/virtinst/guest.py", line 467, in _create_guest
dom = self.conn.createLinux(start_xml or final_xml, 0)
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/libvirt.py", line 2897, in
if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virDomainCreateLinux() failed',
libvirtError: Unable to create vcpu cgroup for fedora20(vcpu: 0): Aucun
fichier ou dossier de ce type
I saw that there is no cpu mounted, only cpuacct.
I saw on other server that cpu is a link to cpu,cpuacct
But I can't find how to add this in a config file
Thanks for help
10 years, 8 months
[libvirt-users] libvirt issue while deploying a VM
by Zvi Dubitzky
Using libvirt under openstack I encounter a problem when launching a VM
with multiple partitions (2 G image) ,
While a single partition can be launched successfully . The launch is
done with Openstack.
We are using in libvirtd.conf log_level=1 and
we can see that in /var/log/libvirt/libvirtd.log appear the following
error message and the VM is finally shutdown :
2014-06-11 14:47:26.166+0000: 12971: error : qemuMonitorIO:614 : internal
error End of file from monitor
( file attached below)
( VM shutdown seen here)
The host has enough resources( we see no complains) and the XML of the
VM is :
The libvirt version is: 0.10.2
The qemu-kvm version:
>From the internet we could not figure out a solution to the problem
Any idea what is causing this error and how to overcome ?
Zvi Dubitzky
10 years, 8 months
[libvirt-users] libvirt, openSUSE, SuSeFirewall2 and port forwarding
by Johannes Kastl
Hash: SHA1
Hello list,
I thought I had already asked this question, but apparently I just
started writing a draft mail and never sent it (at least I can't find
it in the archives).
Has anyone setup qemu VMs using libvirt on openSUSE, and has gotten
port forwarding to work? I used on of the many scripts out there, that
go into /etc/libvirt/hooks/qemu, and it is being called.
Somehow it seems once in a while SuSefirewall2 just forgets about
iptable rules set with this script. And sometimes they don't appear,
even if the script is executed.
Anyone else having the same issues? Any openSUSE users willing to try
Thanks in advance!
- --
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Both is fuckin' close to water.
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10 years, 8 months
[libvirt-users] Status of Host machine.
by Sijo Jose
Using libvirt how can we check the status of a remote/local host machine..
isAlive() method is giving true even if the internet connection is broken OR
libvirt demon in the remote machine is being stopped.
so isAlive() does not seems to be handy,
Is there some other way to get the status of remote host..?
10 years, 8 months