[libvirt-users] [LXC] Attempt to start X in guest makes host X die
by Robin Green
I have attempted to start X in a rawhide LXC guest on a Fedora 16 host, using
echo a > /sys/fs/cgroup/devices/libvirt/lxc/Rawhide/devices.allow
to allow me to create all the necessary devices in /dev in the guest
(dangerous, I know, but I only ran that command after the guest systemd
finished booting).
This is with the nouveau open source driver.
I ran X using
/usr/bin/startx -- :7 vt7
Immediately the host X server dies, even though it's on a different virtual
terminal (VT1).
It seems to be something to do with DRM. The /var/log/Xorg.0.log in the host
says something about drmSetMaster failing.
What's strange is that according to the guest Xorg.7.log, DRM opening fails
there too: "drmOpenDevice: open result is -1, (No such device)". If there is
no such device (even though I created it), how can the guest be affecting the
I think it might possibly be related to
Maybe the guest X immediately fails to start but for some reason does not
release the DRM master (at all, or quickly enough), and the host X tries to
regain the DRM master but fails and dies. I looked at some other drivers to
see if any other X drivers have better handling of the latter condition, but I
couldn't find any which do a retry in this case.
I would report a bug, but I'm not sure which Fedora component to report this
12 years, 11 months
[libvirt-users] Rebélate by self-management, first project of free software by which we bet all / Rebélate por la autogestión, primer proyecto de software libre por el que apostamos todas
by Orquidea Salt mas
Inglés :
Many already we have contributed to the first project of free software
dedicated to self-management in this campaign of collective financing,
it collaborates and it spreads!/
Beginning campaign collective financing
Login to enter with user of social networks and for would register in Goteo :
Rebelaos! Publication by self-management A massive publication that
floods the public transport, the work centers, the parks, the
consumption centers, by means of distribution of 500,000 gratuitous
units, acting simultaneously in all sides and nowhere.
We announce the main tool of a vestibule Web for the management of
self-sustaining resources by means of Drupal, in addition in the
publication there will be an article dedicated to free software,
hardware, It is being prepared in inglès, the machinery You can see
more details in the index of the
publication https://n-1.cc/pg/file/read/1151902/indexresumen-de-los-contenidos-pdf
. A computer system that allows us to share resources in all the
scopes of our life so that we do not have to generate means different
for each subject nor for each territory.
A point of contact digitalis to generate projects of life outside
Capitalism and to margin of the State.
A tool to spread and to impel the social transformation through the
resources that will set out in their contents around self-management,
the autoorganización, the disobedience and the collective action.
In which the capitalist system goes to the collapse, in a while
immersed in a deep systemic crisis (ecological, political and
economic, but mainly of values), where individual and collective of
people they are being lacking of his fundamental rights, is necessary
to develop a horizontal collective process where all the human beings
we pruned to interact in equality of conditions and freedom.
To interact means to relate to us (as much human as economically), to
communicate to us, to cover our basic needs, to generate and to
protect communal properties, to know and to provide collective
solutions us problematic that our lives interfere. We want abrir a
breach within normality in the monotonous life state-capitalist, a day
anyone, that finally will not be any day.
By means of this publication we try:
- To drive a horizontal collective process where all and all we pruned
to interact in equality of conditions and freedom.
- To create communications network between the people it jeopardize
with the change and arranged to act.
- To find collective solutions to problematic that our lives interfere
- To facilitate the access to resources that make possible self-management.
- To participate in the construction of networks of mutual support,
generated horizontals, asamblearias and from the base.
- To publish all this information in an attractive format stops to
facilitate the access to all the society.
There are 15 days remaining for the upcoming March 15, the day that
will come Rebelaos!, Magazine for the selfmanagement
Today, we issue the cover of Rebelaos! (Castilian version) that can be
displayed on the following link:
The contents of the store owners to us by 15 March. Do you? Do you
keep on 15 March?
In addition, we have over 200 distribution nodes, distributed
throughout the Spanish state. Check the map:
On the other hand, the funding campaign continues to move and still
have 12 days to collect the remaining 6,000 euros. We can all make a
bit for all the grains of sand become a great beach on March 15. You
can access the co-financing campaign:
Rebel Affinity group
Muchos ya hemos aportado al primer proyecto de software libre dedicado
a la la financiación colectiva, colabora y diffunde !!!!!
Inicio campaña financiación colectiva goteo.org
Link para registrarse en Goteo y acceder a redes sociales para
colaborar en la difusín
¡Rebelaos! Publicación por la autogestión
Una publicación masiva que inunde el transporte público, los centros
de trabajo, los parques, los centros de consumo, mediante la
distribución de 500.000 ejemplares gratuitos, actuando simultáneamente
en todos lados y en ninguna parte.
Anunciamos la herramienta principal de un portal web para la gestión
de recursos autogestionados mediante Drupal, además en la publicación
habrá un artículo dedicado al software libre, el hardware, la
maquinaria... Puedes ver más detalles en el índice de la publicación
Un sistema infórmatico que nos permita compartir recursos en todos los
ámbitos de nuestra vida de forma que no tengamos que generar un medio
distinto para cada tema ni para cada territorio. Un punto de encuentro
digital para generar proyectos de vida fuera del capitalismo y al
margen del Estado.
Una herramienta para difundir e impulsar la transformación social a
través de los recursos que se propondrán en sus contenidos en torno a
la autogestión, la autoorganización, la desobediencia y la acción
En un momento en que el sistema capitalista se dirige al colapso,
inmerso en una profunda crisis sistémica (ecológica, política y
económica, pero principalmente de valores), donde individuos y
colectivos de personas están siendo desprovistos de sus derechos
fundamentales, es necesario desarrollar un proceso colectivo
horizontal donde todos los seres humanos podamos interactuar en
igualdad de condiciones y en libertad.
Interactuar significa relacionarnos (tanto humana como
económicamente), comunicarnos, cubrir nuestras necesidades básicas,
generar y proteger bienes comunes, conocernos y dar soluciones
colectivas a problemáticas que interfieren nuestras vidas. Queremos
abrir una brecha dentro de la normalidad en la monótona vida
estatal-capitalista, un día cualquiera, que finalmente no será
cualquier día.
Mediante esta publicación pretendemos:
- Impulsar un proceso colectivo horizontal donde todos y todas podamos
interactuar en igualdad de condiciones y en libertad.
- Crear red de comunicaciones entre las personas comprometidas con el
cambio y dispuestas a actuar.
- Encontrar soluciones colectivas a problemáticas que interfieren
nuestras vidas.
- Facilitar el acceso a recursos que posibiliten la autogestión.
- Participar en la construcción de redes de apoyo mutuo, horizontales,
asamblearias y generadas desde la base.
- Publicar toda esta información en un formato atractivo para
facilitar el acceso a toda la sociedad.
Son 15 los días que restan para el próximo 15 de marzo, día en el que
verá la luz ¡Rebelaos!, publicación por la autogestión.
Hoy, hacemos pública la portada de ¡Rebelaos! (versión en castellano)
que podéis visualizar en el siguiente enlace:
El contenido de los titulares nos los guardamos para el 15 de marzo.
¿Y tú? ¿Te guardas el 15 de marzo?
Además, ya hemos superado los 200 nodos de distribución, repartidos
por todo el estado español. Ver el mapa:
Por otro lado, la campaña de financiación continúa avanzando y todavía
quedan 12 días para reunir los 6.000 euros que restan. Todas podemos
aportar un poco para que todos los granitos de arena se conviertan en
una gran playa el 15 de marzo. Podéis acceder a la campaña de
cofinanciación en:
Colectivo Afinidad Rebelde
12 years, 11 months
[libvirt-users] vhost-net support in ethernet domian
by Tomasz Paszkowski
I'am just wondering why there's no support for vhost-net (qemu) in an
ethernet domain (<interface type='ethernet'>) ?
below code from qemu_command.c:
if (actualType == VIR_DOMAIN_NET_TYPE_NETWORK ||
/* Attempt to use vhost-net mode for these types of
network device */
Tomasz Paszkowski
SS7, Asterisk, SAN, Datacenter, Cloud Computing
12 years, 11 months
[libvirt-users] libvirt-manager , details / console ...
by Marko Weber
Hi all,
we have an easy question for you maybe.
when we start the virt-manager, and doubleclick an listed virtual
we always bei transported to CONSOLE page.
Thats very annoying for us.
Is there a possibility to set an option, that on doubleclick you are
getting the CONSOLE TAB.
in 95% we need Console and not Details.
thanks for any costructive hints.
marko , from cloudy rainy germany
12 years, 11 months
[libvirt-users] Migration of a vm consuming high cpu
by Jatin Kumar
Today i tried to migrate a vm which was consuming 4 cpus and some 8GB of
The cpu utilization was close to 100%. First of all migration took a lot of
time and ultimately
it failed with and "unknown error" message. Till this time vm was in good
state. Then i tried to
suspend it and gave error message like "unable to free cpu. cannot
suspend". Finally after many
attempts it got suspended.
Do we have any solution to this.
12 years, 11 months