On Tue, Dec 13, 2016 at 11:05:11PM +0100, Manuel Ullmann wrote:
I’m struggling with virsh not detecting my hugepage mount.
I have the following kernel command line:
BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-4.8.13-gentoo root=/dev/mapper/gensd-gentoo ro quiet
splash intel_iommu=on video=efifb:off,vesafb:off,simplefb:off
splash=verbose,theme:livedvd-aurora kvm.ignore_msrs=1
transparent_hugepage=never hugepages=3072 softlevel=qemuvm
My startup script outputs the following:
hugetlbfs /var/lib/hugetlbfs hugetlbfs
rw,relatime,pagesize=2097152,uid=77,gid=77,mode=0770 0 0
[2016.12.13 22:22:50 virsh 2808] ERROR Failed to start domain win10
[2016.12.13 22:22:50 virsh 2808] ERROR internal error: hugetlbfs
filesystem is not mounted or disabled by administrator config
virsh was unsuccessful
So hugetlbfs is definitively mounted, but virsh does either not detect
it or some magical option, that I’ve not found in a day searching for
it, disables it (the documentation could explain that better). Since the
Ubuntu guys refer to the KVM_HUGEPAGES environment, I tried adding it to
start-stop-daemon environment, but it seems non-relevant. 77 is the qemu
user id, but I’m quite sure the permission issues were excluded (tried
root permissions as well). Besides I had permission errors occasionally
occasionally and don’t have them anymore. If you could provide a hint to
the magical administrator configuration option, that would be helpful.
Nothing magical about that. If you have no hugepages configured in
qemu.conf, libvirtd will *try* to find all the mounts if running as
root. The only thing is that in the error message "or" should be
changed to "and", I guess.
Tried hugeadm as well, pointing the config to the correct
Thanks in advance,
The virsh script reads like this:
cmdline="$(cat /proc/cmdline)"
if [[ "${cmdline##* }" == "softlevel=qemuvm" ]]; then
mount -o rw,relatime,pagesize=2097152,uid=77,gid=77,mode=0770 -t
hugetlbfs hugetlbfs /var/lib/hugetlbfs
If libvirtd starts before this ^^
sysctl kernel.shmmax=6442450944
cat /proc/mounts | grep hugetlb >> /var/log/virsh.log
sed -i -e '/^hugetlb/{s/^/\#/}' /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf
or this ^^ is done, then the settings are not reflected. That's the
only thing I could glean from the quick look.
I bet adding 'service libvirtd restart' here helps.
while [ "${counter}" -lt 10 && ! -S /var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock ];
sleep 1
counter=$(( ++counter ))
if [ $counter -gt 9 ]; then
echo "libvirtd socket generation timed out" >> /var/log/virsh.log
if pidof libvirtd &>/dev/null; then
LC_ALL=C /usr/bin/virsh -l /var/log/virsh.log start win10
if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
echo "virsh was unsuccessful" >> /var/log/virsh.log
echo "libvirtd is not started" >> /var/log/virsh.log
reboot is more convenient, since this is a vfio-igd passthrough vm.
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