I truly have no idea. You could try to reinstall virsh and all its
components (qemu, kvm, ..) with:
$ apt purge [...]
and then reinstall virsh and see if the issue persists.
Or, a more drastic step would be to start with a fresh new ubuntu
installation on your computer and see if the issue just goes away? Of
course this will require you to backup your data and restore it later.. not
a nice task to do but sometimes it is necessary.
Just yesterday I discovered that an application installed mongodb as a
dependency but when I removed the application it decided to keep back
gigabytes of database files.. I managed to remove those files but I don't
trust the installation anymore and am going to do a clean reinstallation of
the entire operating system. Who knows what's being left behind while
trying out different things. Always setting up virtual machines when trying
something out is a lot of work, but advisable good practice because it
allows one to throw away all modifications made.
I'm afraid that's all I can come with.
Good luck!
2017-07-07 9:46 GMT+02:00 Jędrek Domański <jedrek.domanski(a)gmail.com>:
Hi Dominik,
So what is going on on my computer with the script *libvirt-guests.sh*?
Why is it hanging on it? How should I address this problem?
I really appreciate your help!
Thank you!
2017-07-07 9:20 GMT+02:00 Dominik Psenner <dpsenner(a)gmail.com>:
> And software is up to date to latest version in LTS:
> $ virsh --version
> 1.3.1
> 2017-07-07 9:20 GMT+02:00 Dominik Psenner <dpsenner(a)gmail.com>:
>> $ uname -a
>> Linux mugen 4.4.0-83-generic #106-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jun 26 17:54:43 UTC
>> 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
>> $ lsb_release -a
>> No LSB modules are available.
>> Distributor ID: Ubuntu
>> Description: Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS
>> Release: 16.04
>> Codename: xenial
>> 2017-07-07 9:18 GMT+02:00 Dominik Psenner <dpsenner(a)gmail.com>:
>>> Hey
>>> FWIW, I have virsh running on my laptop too and no virtual machines
>>> registered to autostart but my laptop reboots just fine and shows no traces
>>> of any warnings.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Dominik
>>> 2017-07-06 22:53 GMT+02:00 Jędrek Domański
>>>> Hello,
>>>> Am I addressing this issue to the right address? Please respond.
>>>> 2017-07-04 9:31 GMT+02:00 Jędrek Domański
>>>>> Hello? What is the status of this issue?
>>>>> 2017-06-30 22:24 GMT+02:00 Jędrek Domański
>>>>> >:
>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>> I have recently upgraded from Ubuntu 15.04 to 16.04 and now
>>>>>> everytime I shutdown my PC I get a black screen where it says
>>>>>> "libvirt-guests.sh [6917] - running guests under URI address
default: no
>>>>>> running guests" and the PC just hangs forever and will not
shutdown. I need
>>>>>> to manually kill it in order to shut it down which is a pain in
the ass. I
>>>>>> have done some investigation and here is what I've found out
so far.
>>>>>> I have uninstalled libvirt, kvm and qemu:
>>>>>> sudo apt-get purge libvirt* kvm qemu*
>>>>>> The problem has gone, however I noticed some error messages at
>>>>>> saying something that "FAILED Qemu .... It flashes so
quickly and I am not
>>>>>> able to read what exactly it says. I installed libvirt again:
>>>>>> sudo apt install qemu-kvm libvirt-bin
>>>>>> and the problem is back!
>>>>>> So is this script trying to shutdown my virtual machines? It
>>>>>> like it does but since it does not find any it hangs? I don't
have any
>>>>>> machines, though. I used to have one, but I removed it. What is
>>>>>> interesting, my PC hangs at shutdown randomly, that is sometimes
it hangs
>>>>>> for like 15 seconds and it shutsdown but in most cases it hangs
forever. So
>>>>>> this happens randomly.
>>>>>> So, this investigation has brought me to you guys so please help
>>>>>> I have attached a screen (sorry for polish error message but the
>>>>>> translation is in the email title).
>>>>>> I have also posted a thread on AskUbuntu on this:
>>>>>> guests-sh-6917-running-guests-under-uri-address-default
>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>> Jędrzej
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>>>> libvirt-users(a)redhat.com
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>>> Dominik Psenner
>> --
>> Dominik Psenner
> --
> Dominik Psenner