On 18.03.2012 03:24, Harold Fei wrote:
To Whom It May Concern:
I use libvirt over one month, I
need a function to set the ip address of the guest machine. One can
change the guest ip address will be a great appreciation. However, I did
not find such a feature in the process of learning libvirt. The purpose
of this mail is to ask the experts whether libvirt provide such a
feature. If there is no, how can I implement such functionality.
You can create static leases based on interfaces MACs:
However, libvirt lacks API for changing guest's interface IP on the fly
since qemu-ga lacks such feature too. Therefore when implementing this
functionality - qemu-ga part needs to be done firstly so you can build
on stable interface. This may be your inspiration:
Additionally, I already know NAT based network and Routed network can
use DHCP, but I want to use an existing host bridge.
I think this is what you are looking for: