On 2015-04-10 15:16, Daniel P. Berrange wrote:
On Fri, Apr 10, 2015 at 08:09:58AM -0500, James Leu wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm seeing syslog messages "bleed" from the host and other LXC into
> the messages, maillog, secure logs of other LXCs.
> I'm using libvirt 1.0.0 on a host with systemd and kernel 3.9.10.
> Each LXC is running an older non-systemd linux distribution
> Is this a known issue? Is there a work around?
There is no syslog separation in the kernel namespaces. Libvirt does
not even create /dev/log device in the container by default. So I'm
curious how you've configured the guest - could be something missing
that allows cross-pollution
I suspect bind-mounting the host's /dev/ – it's a common suggestion I've
seen in chrooting tutorials.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen, / Best Regards,
Sven Schwedas
TAO Beratungs- und Management GmbH | Lendplatz 45 | A - 8020 Graz
Mail/XMPP: sven.schwedas(a)tao.at | +43 (0)680 301 7167