When I initially boot my system, it fails to bring up the network.
Once booted, if I run "systemctl restart network.service", or even stop,
wait a while, then start, it starts up fine and all is well.
I'm running Fedora 19 (updated).
I followed the instructions on this page to set up a bridged network:
I note however that I did *not* have any bridge (for NAT use) configured
initially by default on my system, and followed the directions on this
page to create it:
I have disabled the NetworkManager service, and created network
initscripts for my em1 and br0 interfaces.
I notice from the systemctl status output, that the network failure is
logged, and only *after* that the br0 interface comes up. So I wonder if
there is some ordering problem in spite of the fact that I have
specified DELAY=0 for br0.
I have included output from the following commands:
systemctl status network.service (initially, when failed to come up)
brctl show
ip link
ip address
Also attached are the network initscripts for my em1 and br0 interfaces.
Any guidance would be much appreciated!