On 10/12/20 9:47 PM, Talha Jawaid wrote:
I want to run a python script on Windows to remotely control libvirt
running on a (Linux) server. This was all working fine while prototyping
stuff on the server but now I am having some trouble installing the
python module on windows (“pip install” fails). I struggled through
getting it to COMPILE but then ran into linking issues. Seems like the
actual libvirt library is needed to run (and even compile) on Windows?
Is there a prebuilt package somewhere that I could get? Do I really need
the whole libvirt library or is there a client only package? How could I
go about accomplishing my goal here?
libvirt-python is really just a tiny wrapper over our C APIs so yes, you
need libvirt library for python bindings. But fear not, libvirt library
for Windows contains the remote driver you need. I'm not sure if there
is an official built provided by libvirt upstream community, but Fedora
does mingw builts from which you can extract the .dll. For instance this
seems to contain libvirt.dll: